View Full Version : Not a pussy.

6th January 2005, 07:20 AM
Thought I’d get away from pussy cats for awhile and show off my latest piece.http://www.woodworkforums.ubeaut.com.au/images/icons/icon10.gif

The dragon was made for my wife for Christmas. She has collected dragons for some years now. So I thought I would make her something different from the usual glass or pewter ones.

My wife loved it and I have collected many brownie points.

I don’t know the timbers used, except for red cedar and leichardt. I picked up the different timbers from a wood show in Bundaberg and off J & C Thin Timbers in Gympie.

There is only 57 pieces, but it is the biggest piece I have done so far. It is bigger then two A3 pieces of paper. However there is a fair bit of raising and lowering of pieces.

Hope you enjoy him as much as my wife and I do.

I did him before it got too hot in the shed.

Goonyella Steve.

6th January 2005, 12:25 PM
Nice dragon Steve - where did you get the design from?

My daughter bought a marquetry dragon in Japan & I was thinking of doing a similar one in intarsia.

6th January 2005, 11:10 PM
Thanks Alex glad you like him.
I got the pattern from http://www.sawbird.com
He is one of the new patterns.
I also did a scrollsaw picture of a dragon, which I hope to post on the scrollsaw forum soon.
There are a few more dragon intarsia patterns around. The other one I like is called Tuffy. Hopefully the boss will let me get it soon.
Hope you do the chinese dragon soon. I would very much like to see it when it is finished.
On the same vein I enjoy seeing Bob's intarsia on this forum and hopefully we will see more from other enthuasists. (That's spelt wrong I know)
Goonyella Steve.

7th January 2005, 10:10 PM
Mate thats excellent love to look at that stuff and you are doing great
maybe if I get time I might try intasia one day

Bob H
7th January 2005, 11:40 PM
Hi Steve.

Great Dragon. I'll bet it gets Pride Of Place in your wife's dragon collection.
Good choice of colours.
Don't you find that you are always on the look-out for timber of different colours and/or grain? Part of the appeal of Intarsia.
Hope you can get some cool weather and keep on scrolling.

8th January 2005, 03:03 PM
Thanks Pete and Bob.
Pete I am hoping that like Bob,by posting my efforts that I will encourage others to do this fantastic form of woodwork and show the rest of us there efforts. I only bought my scrollsaw last year and I can't leave it alone.
I agree Bob, every chance I get I am looking for different timbers. That is one of the things I enjoy about Intarsia. I get to play with different types of tmber.
If the weather holds I am trying to get the wife to go for a drive to Cairns. There is timber place up there I have seen an advert for in one the woodworking magazine.
It is very hot and humid here in central Queensland and it is supposed to be the wet season. At least the cloud cover keeps the temp down to around 36 degrees celcius.

11th January 2005, 01:33 PM
Hi Steve

You're a natural intarsiaist! :) Great shaping and colour selection. Not sure about the protrusion in the middle but! :D

11th January 2005, 09:19 PM
Hi Steve

Not sure about the protrusion in the middle but! :D

...a little known feature of dragon anatomy is the location of their reproductive organs. :eek:

12th January 2005, 11:15 AM
...a little known feature of dragon anatomy is the location of their reproductive organs. :eek:
Sorry Alex, not my area of expertise, but that being the case, how does the shaping "stack up"? :D

12th January 2005, 01:23 PM
Not my area of expertise either Tiki, guess you'd have to ask a dragon.

jim p
15th January 2005, 05:27 AM
great dragon. good sport eh.

Bob H
17th January 2005, 01:23 AM
Hey Steve.
Need a Wizard to manage your collection of Dragons?

If so: You can get the pattern here.