View Full Version : Manual for a GMC ML 1000

11th September 2011, 02:14 PM
Hi all, new to wood turning as never done before, I was given yesterday a 'cheap' GMC ML 1000. While I understand that some on these forums say it is crap etc, it was free and it is in as new condition and has with it around 20 hand tools of various shapes, the only thing missing is the manual for the lathe. I was also told by the person giving it to me (who has no more room to keep it in their new home) that while it is not a 'great' lathe as long as you take the time with your wood turning it actually works very well, I guess time will tell :)

So anyway can I request please an electronic copy of the GMC ML 1000 manual please plus any guides that may have originally come with it. Or if you have hard copy of each and you no longer need I would love to have them if you could post out to me (I will pay postage of course :))

Secondly as I said it has some 20 odd tools of various shapes etc, is there a good online resource for me to read over that describes what each tool is for and how they are to be used, as said new to wood turning.

If I can get the lathe to work and produce some good (or reasonable) results I may like to continue with wood turning and upgrade to a better lathe later, of which I can ask for all your valuable input.



11th September 2011, 05:36 PM
Read through here. Any you are not sure of, put a photo up here.

Turning Tools Index (http://www.toolpost.co.uk/pages/Turning_Tools/turning_tools.html)

12th September 2011, 01:17 AM
I will take a photo of each tool tomorrow and post up a link to a tell me what its for fill in form, thanks for the link too.


Mrs Blackie
13th September 2011, 12:16 AM
Hi, I just googled it and I was looking at these ones when I first decided I wanted to turn, but to much reading and being guided I decided to go Hafco Woodmaster for a beginner I suppose I didn't do too bad, but if I were given one for free I'd make do too :)) ok well heres a little thing for you to read up on if you like I just found it when I googled it up.
OnlineToolReviews.com - Global Machinery Company ML-1000 Wood Lathe Review (http://www.onlinetoolreviews.com/reviews/gmcml1000.htm)
