View Full Version : A few Turnings

Little Festo
7th January 2005, 10:22 AM
I had a quite Xmas and only turned a few things. There weather is really humid at the moment and I seem to be waiting for ever for the oils to set during the finnishing stage.

This a Beauty Leaf bowl with a Jarrah rim.Finnish is Danish oil, several coats - approx 200mm in diameter.

Little Festo
7th January 2005, 10:25 AM
This one is a Black Wattle and Camphour Laurel with a "Stephen Hughes " 90mm laser cut disk. Finnished in oil.

Little Festo
7th January 2005, 10:30 AM
This a Mulga (90% sureit's Mulga) box. I was a bit too eager to photograph this on as it needed a bit of a buff up (and the base hasen't been properly finnished yet. I still need to refine my technique for doing boxes, this one's not as good as it should have been. Finnished in oil.

All the best and happy woodworking from Peter in Darwin

9th January 2005, 08:58 AM
Very nice, like the top one and the last one coming along nicely

12th January 2005, 11:34 AM
LF, nice work.

What kind of process do u go through doing the finish in oil ?
