View Full Version : 2-pack polyurethane over shellac OK ?

13th September 2011, 09:31 AM
I want to finish some fittings for in my shop. They are made from MDF and have been sealed with shellac.
I was going to use a 2 - pack acrylic lacquer topcoat, but my supplier no longer carries this stuff. They have 2-pack polyurethane, but I am not sure if the shellac is compatible with it.

Does anyone have any experience that they would like to pass on ?
Thanks in advance.

14th September 2011, 03:02 PM
I may have answered my own question.
I've got some 2-pack polyurethane left over from another job. I mixed up a small batch and brushed some on the back of one of the panels.

It looks OK so far ( after 1 hour ), the paint is still a bit soft. But seems to have bonded OK.
I'll wait till its dry fully and see good it is.

14th October 2011, 10:40 PM
Just came across your 2006 post and wondered if it worked.

21st October 2011, 03:10 PM
FWIW I've done one pack poly - Estapol - over a couple of sad french polished coffee tables.

One worked fine; the other developed a whitish bloom of some kind under it after some years.

21st October 2011, 07:00 PM
Sorry Guys, I have not actually sprayed these shop fittings yet, my test pieces still look good
I have everything ready, and cleared a spot in a spare shed, once the rain stops and the humidity drops, I will get them finished.

Also copping some flack about it from SWMBO :-.

2nd November 2011, 04:13 PM
Well the weather came good for me at the right time. I got the bits and pieces sprayed over 2 days.
The results look great. No trouble with the 2pack poly bonding to the shellac it seems.

Not sure if photos would help, but I will take a couple and see what they look like.

Charcoal coloured MDF shop fittings are nothing to get too excited about.

2nd November 2011, 07:25 PM
Heres one thats going to the shop tomorrow.

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