View Full Version : Just reading a very old thread about,"Why people don't get along," --

3rd October 2011, 10:08 PM
Those kinda people wouldn't want to live here in Port Vincent, as this town was NEVER officially surveyed, and as, " Your boots," are bigger than mine, your block is marked out accordingly, whilst my feet are smaller, so be my block is smaller than yours, ( Get the drift ?? ):U Anyway that has lead to some what is best termed, " Interesting situations, " over the ensuring years since first settlement way back in the 1870's. ( A ) There's several properties in our Main Street where the boundry fence is anything but straight. IF anyone wanted to straighten up one particular fence,- one would have to, ( literally ), chop several metres off the neighbour's old stone house,- yes, It's that far out of alignment.:) ( B ) Then there's the Hardware Shop on the street corner which is not square to the boundry on either street side,- ONLY about a metre out of square. ( C ) The southern boundry fence between my place and my neighbour's place is an absolute Classic,- you gotta see it to believe it,- It leans this way, and thata way. Make partly of three, or so layers of crooked corragated roofing iron roughly nailed to old wooden posts, then there's a section of crooked, rusty wire-netting trellis, followed by another section of the, "'layered," crooked roofing iron. ( yes,- will get some photos of the boundry fence for this thread ).:U Several years ago the Official Council Surveryors came a visiting, and " tried," to make every block, & allotment, all match-up and properly marked out, etc.,etc., but gave up and left everything as it is.:o
" Picky People," who come and buy a house here, then attempt to claim their house and land down to the last millimetre / inch, simply give up after a while, sell up and move back to whence they came from and leave us locals in peace.

3rd October 2011, 11:43 PM
Port Vincent sounds like my kind of place.:) My youngest son spent Easter there this year on his way from Cairns Qld to Rockingham WA. A mate he had not seen for 10 years was moving from somewhere north of Adelaide to Port Vincent so the mate had an extra pair of hands. :) My son thought Port Vincent to be a really cool place and from what I have seen of pics online so do I.:D Enjoy. :)


Robson Valley
4th October 2011, 01:34 PM
I could live there, easily.
Had a summer house in a resort village, maybe 90 homes and a single general store.
My place was built for my family and occupied by family since 1915. Surveyed in 1912, the roads were anally straight. Up one suicidal hill and down another. Just crazy.
Some houses are in the road allowance. Some people decided that the road allowances made for a more majestic front garden.

Is that why you bought a place here? Just to bitch about the property lines? Here: have a couple more of these smoked oysters and another beer. I need to sit in the shade on the beach and have a little snooze.