View Full Version : knocking noise on lathe!

Mrs Blackie
17th October 2011, 10:05 PM
Hi All, I haven't been able to log in for a while now, hope all is well with you all. I have a problem once again and I dont understand it. When the lathe is running on low I hear a knocking noise I thought it might be the scroll chuck but its not it seems to be coming from inside the motor where the bottom pully is that is attached to the motor, yet when I speed it up it seems to stop or I hear it much less. Should I undo the motor screws and check to see if somethings loose? I have been using inox I put it on the pully and sort of stops it but then it starts again not long after:oo:, I hope its not bearings :?awaiting the more experienced to give me some input please? Thank you in advance.

17th October 2011, 10:06 PM
Check the grub screws on the pulleys.

17th October 2011, 10:28 PM
What said :aro-u::aro-u:

and check the belt for bits peeling off.

18th October 2011, 08:21 AM
As this is a new lathe ring H&F too it will be sorted.:2tsup:

18th October 2011, 08:35 AM
When using a lubricant like Inox it can run along the belt and build up against the pulley. Sanding dust or similar can lodge forming a bump.

Mrs Blackie
18th October 2011, 02:07 PM
I called Hare & Forbes they are coming out in the morning to look at it for me, the problem is beyond just dust collection, he said it sounds like there is something damaged:oo:

18th October 2011, 04:47 PM
Keep us posted on what happens please , as i own the same model Lathe, , I notice some fan noise at low speed from the motor .

The machine has been behaving lately:o, but I am building new benches, so have not done any turning for last week.

I have had to replace the belt I got from the Bearing Shop, it lasted 3 hours, found the correct belts at VERMEC, $10.00 each,.


Mrs Blackie
18th October 2011, 11:15 PM
Keep us posted on what happens please , as i own the same model Lathe, , I notice some fan noise at low speed from the motor .

The machine has been behaving lately:o, but I am building new benches, so have not done any turning for last week.

I have had to replace the belt I got from the Bearing Shop, it lasted 3 hours, found the correct belts at VERMEC, $10.00 each,.


No worries Jeff will keep you posted on it, I know we both have the same lathe, I had problems with the belt shreding so I called Hare & Forbes they replaced my belt even gave me a spare under warrantee, now for a while Ive had a knocking or like a tapping noise coming from the motor side pully so thanks to Wheelinround for the idea I called Hare & Forbes again, the guy remembered me and did mention it shouldnt do that he said it could be a damaged part somewhere in there, I hope its nothing too major or Im going to flip out over this:(, I seem to have something go wrong all the time. Will keep you up to date on it .

Mrs Blackie
19th October 2011, 12:52 PM
The Guy came out this morning and behold yes it was the bearings:C, he took the head away and they are going to replace or fix it, the sad part of this whole thing is when I purchased the lathe there was always a knocking sound but never owning one before I never thought there would be a fault in a new lathe, so therefor I kept thinking it was normal:doh:, its after I started attending Cumberland Woodworkers inc. on friday nights I realised they have the same lathe and thats the one I have been using it sounds like a kitten purring, I come home and mine sounds like a train going off tracks. If I had of known from back then it wasnt normal I would have called them long ago, but nevermind now they have it and hopefully I get it back asap because Im already having withdrawals and the headstocks been gone for an hour only .....taps foot keeps looking at the time...I just want it back so I can turn, I not long got some real nice logs too in a friends shed she was burning the poor things, I saved them all and going back for more next week.

19th October 2011, 01:07 PM
:2tsup::2tsup::2tsup: for H&F

Woodoo Magic :rofl: love it

Heard you been having private lessons and he reckons your better than most of the rest of the club already.

Yeh yeh brag away logs are logs like fishing tales unless there is proof.:;

Mrs Blackie
19th October 2011, 02:38 PM
:2tsup::2tsup::2tsup: for H&F

Woodoo Magic :rofl: love it

Heard you been having private lessons and he reckons your better than most of the rest of the club already.

Yeh yeh brag away logs are logs like fishing tales unless there is proof.:;

So...your going to make me take pictures again arn't you?...Wheelinround...I tell ya the things you make me do, Im too lazy lolll. As for private lessons I couldnt go friday night so I missed out and yes I do try hard but I do wish I didnt have to try so hard and maybe just do it naturally:roll: oh man! ok ok won't change subject after I get kids from school I'll take pics for ya sheeshhh pushyy!:U:q

19th October 2011, 03:07 PM
Lads this lady knows a little about wood music Jackyl - The Lumberjack - WooDoo Magic (http://www.freewebs.com/woodoomagic/apps/videos/videos/show/15061437-jackyl-the-lumberjack) :p

Sawdust Maker
19th October 2011, 08:16 PM
A dodgy bearing from new - hmm strange

It's good that it's being fixed by H&F - You should have asked for a replacement while being fixed so you can get your daily fix :D

Yeah and things don't happen unless there are piccies

Mrs Blackie
19th October 2011, 09:28 PM
A dodgy bearing from new - hmm strange

It's good that it's being fixed by H&F - You should have asked for a replacement while being fixed so you can get your daily fix :D

Yeah and things don't happen unless there are piccies

I just got an idea, can't I just go to sleep and wake up when they deliver it? lolll Im having withdrawals so bad now knowing I dont have it is driving me crazy, this is an addiction they should have warning signs on lathes :p working on the pictures:U

19th October 2011, 09:33 PM
Poor woman does this help
This is Mrs Blackies stash (http://www.freewebs.com/woodoomagic/apps/photos/album?albumid=12457434)

Sawdust Maker
19th October 2011, 09:35 PM
Looks like you'll have to join the "LUA"

Lathe Users Anonymous :2tsup:

We meet every saturday in a shed whether or not anyone else turns up :U

Mrs Blackie
19th October 2011, 09:48 PM
At last it let me upload so heres the pictures hope you like them!:D

Mrs Blackie
19th October 2011, 09:50 PM
Ooops! I forgot this one:doh:

Mrs Blackie
19th October 2011, 09:58 PM
Poor woman does this help
This is Mrs Blackies stash (http://www.freewebs.com/woodoomagic/apps/photos/album?albumid=12457434)

Awweee! Thank you Wheelinround much appreciated but it let me upload this time:U

19th October 2011, 09:59 PM
:2tsup: done

20th October 2011, 11:21 PM
Looks Good , My shed is in a mess st the moment as I am still getting the new benches sorted out.

I will post some PIC's in the SHED Sect when I'm done , I haven't been able to turn for 2 weeks:oo::oo::oo::oo:.

Suffering withdrawal symptoms, hope to have the benches finished, in a week or so.
and I'm looking at building a pyrography machine soon as well.

You can see the improvement in your turning , from the PINE Pieces (chunky but good), to the large bowl and other pieces, the finishing is very nice with no tool & sanding marks .
defiantly a talent there that you must exploit. I liked the small cup with the pyrography on the outside.


Mrs Blackie
21st October 2011, 02:19 PM
Looks Good , My shed is in a mess st the moment as I am still getting the new benches sorted out.

I will post some PIC's in the SHED Sect when I'm done , I haven't been able to turn for 2 weeks:oo::oo::oo::oo:.

Suffering withdrawal symptoms, hope to have the benches finished, in a week or so.
and I'm looking at building a pyrography machine soon as well.

You can see the improvement in your turning , from the PINE Pieces (chunky but good), to the large bowl and other pieces, the finishing is very nice with no tool & sanding marks .
defiantly a talent there that you must exploit. I liked the small cup with the pyrography on the outside.


That cup is a toothpick holder:U I made a few gave some away to family, I made one of red gum was like trying to put a hole in cement lolll gave it to my aunt she loves anything made of wood.

24th October 2011, 10:55 AM
As for private lessons I couldnt go friday night so I missed out and yes I do try hard but I do wish I didnt have to try so hard and maybe just do it naturally:roll:

One day it will come, probably very soon from the quality of your turnings. You are doing very nice work.

This one especially: Just a few of the things I made so far - WooDoo Magic (http://www.freewebs.com/woodoomagic/apps/photos/photo?photoid=140595289)

Turning is like learning to drive a manual shift car or riding a bicycle. You struggle and struggle, then one day it just happens, without thinking about what you are doing.

In my case it was somewhere between 20 and 30 finished bowls. I'm between 40 & 50 finished now, with about 20 more roughed out in various stages of drying.

After that will come taking less time on a turning, with the same high quality.

I like your mushrooms, I'll have to try some.

24th October 2011, 03:18 PM
No news on the lathe I see..............and I forgot to ask when at H&F's this morning was even in the workshop didn't see it sitting there.:no:

Sawdust Maker
25th October 2011, 08:38 AM
No news on the lathe I see..............and I forgot to ask when at H&F's this morning was even in the workshop didn't see it sitting there.:no:

Gees I didn't know you were going to H&F would have got you to pick up something for me:doh:

25th October 2011, 08:41 AM
CHASE THEM UP Mrs B, otherwise they will take their time,.

You need your Lathe with-drawl is setting-in:o, and it can be bad .:D:D:D

Seriously , ring them and see what is happening , and find out when they can return it, if the bearing seats were out or damaged in manufacture, then it may have to be sent out for re-machining, that could take a week , depending on the repairer.:(:(:(

The shed is nearly finished(my little shed ,in the SHED Thread) , new benches are in and I have a piece of heavy duty vinyl to go on the bench tops, so looking good there,.

I will start on making a Pyro hand piece today, and check out how much current is needed etc for the machine, .


25th October 2011, 02:59 PM
Gees I didn't know you were going to H&F would have got you to pick up something for me:doh:

Was there again today you should have rung and I could have they would have taken phone payment. What was it??

Ayshlan still no sign of your lathe either might have sent it back OS so there might be a 6 to 12 week wait.:p

Mrs Blackie
26th October 2011, 01:42 PM
Hi Guys! Well...I got it back and all seemed fine when the guy walked out, then had my birthday weekend..and you know how that can be right?:U so come Monday I went into my workshop decided I would turn a 15cm bowl not sure of what kind of wood it was, was one of the pieces in my stash so here I am turning came time to sand it, then I turn the lathe on to finish it and the lathe doesnt turn on:oo:, well I chucked a hissy fit ran inside called H&F, he says its the thingymajig lolll that thing on top of the motor to do with the electrical side of it, is it a trasformer? Im not sure but anyways I feel like this is falling to bits scratches my head, the guy came out fixed it again replaced that bit, then it started working again. Soooo yes that is the story of my life, I think it needs me to thrash it, just because I treat it gently now its being a spoilt brat.:q Ok keep fingers crossed for me I have a small bowl sitting on there now a deep one I hope I can get through it without something else going wrong. Why do I always type out long stories? :roll: Oh..and thank you for your support all and thank you for liking my work, those mushies are so much fun to make:)

Mrs Blackie
26th October 2011, 01:48 PM
VK4??? When do we see pics of your workshop? I'm always getting hammered over pictures now I'm so taking it out on you:hapy:

26th October 2011, 03:29 PM
Good news that your spreading dust again. :2tsup:

26th October 2011, 08:48 PM
Mrs B

Good to see you have your Lathe back.

Have a look in the SHED section:D:D , and look for MY LITTLE SHED, Pic's posted there.:2tsup:

I will add some new one's tomorrow , as I have just covered the bench tops with Vinyl , that I got from the radio club for Free:2tsup:, . There wasn't quiet enough for all the work surfaces:doh::doh:, but there is a bit in the roof down there that I may be able to acquire:rolleyes: , to finish off the bench tops.:2tsup:


That part that died on your Lathe is called a capacitor, and is there to start the motor, they can die suddenly for no reason, and are not expensive, just a pain to change( hay that rhymes)

Mrs Blackie
30th October 2011, 08:20 PM
Yet again there is still a knocking sound in the lathe but the bearings are new now so not sure what it is doesnt seem to be causing anything drastic so as they said its normal? lol ok well I will accept that maybe that model is like that?:?

30th October 2011, 10:45 PM
Mrs B,

Mine makes some noise , I believe that this style of machine does, some of the noise is from the belt &pulley's and some from the motor fan.

I would check all of the following:

1 belt cover
2 motor mounting bolts
3 head stock clamp (tight)
4 all bolts in frame holding bed to frame and legs etc ( though I do not think these will cause the noise)

I notice a rattle in the lower speeds, but this disappears when speed control is above 3-4 .

See how it goes for a week then re-evaluate .


Mrs Blackie
30th October 2011, 10:58 PM
Mrs B,

Mine makes some noise , I believe that this style of machine does, some of the noise is from the belt &pulley's and some from the motor fan.

I would check all of the following:

1 belt cover
2 motor mounting bolts
3 head stock clamp (tight)
4 all bolts in frame holding bed to frame and legs etc ( though I do not think these will cause the noise)

I notice a rattle in the lower speeds, but this disappears when speed control is above 3-4 .

See how it goes for a week then re-evaluate .


Yes your right Jeff mine does the same, I've check all of the above all is fastened and all good, so I'm thinking maybe thats just the way these ones operate, thank you for your response to this.

31st October 2011, 08:04 AM
Nerves and tool rattle on the tool post :p or is it your knee's knocking

31st October 2011, 09:33 AM
No problems , owners of these machines , as with all different brands need to communicate so we know what is going on with our machines .

Good turning


Mrs Blackie
2nd November 2011, 12:43 AM
Your so right vk4 and it is real helpful too especially for people like me...oh and by the way the one at the club is making noise too now :D I DIDN'T DO IT!!!:q
And Wheelinround? I'll never tell you my weakest points anymore leave my knees alone, you nearly gave me a heart attack the other day I think I'd drop on the spot if they ever asked me to demonstrate :no: way :bleh:

Skew ChiDAMN!!
2nd November 2011, 04:43 AM
One other possibility: the cowling over the fan at the end of the motor.

These are usually held on by only 2 or 3 small screws - mine haa 3 - and if one vibrates out, as they do about every 6 months, my lathe starts making all sorts of weird'n'wunnerful noises.

It took me forever to work out what was causing it the first time, as the errant screw was off the bottom of the cowl, where one would never normally see it. :doh:

2nd November 2011, 10:58 AM
A way to inexpensively find noises is to make a 500mm stick , 12mm or so in diameter with a nice smooth end. Place the smooth end against your ear canal and the other end on any part you want to listen to.

You can hear your lathe and motor bearings purring or grinding as the case may be, or any knocking , rattling, or thumping.

One can buy mechanics stethoscopes but I have found this works as well.

If working close to a rotating pulley or chuck, place the stick so that it will be knocked sideways if it should slip and touch the rotating part.

Do not place the stick in a position where it may be driven into your head.

Sometimes thumping sounds will come from something stuck on a V-belt or pulley, or a chunk out of a V-belt or pulley, or a sticky place on same.

If a V-belt is old and has been setting in one place a long time it may have developed 2 bends and 2 straights, which may resist going around smoothly.

If your shed is cold it may do the above until the belt warms a bit.

2nd November 2011, 06:30 PM
Your so right vk4 and it is real helpful too especially for people like me...oh and by the way the one at the club is making noise too now :D I DIDN'T DO IT!!!:q
And Wheelinround? I'll never tell you my weakest points anymore leave my knees alone, you nearly gave me a heart attack the other day I think I'd drop on the spot if they ever asked me to demonstrate :no: way :bleh:

Tell me the whole of Blacktown was wondering what the strange tap tap rattle sounds been to find out its ya knee's rrflmao
all fixed your booked to demo at Trend :p nah just joshin Although Bill did say he'd ask and thought your work was worth seeing being made just to show up the fellows.

Hope to see you thee or at H&F's the week before :2tsup:

Mrs Blackie
3rd November 2011, 11:19 PM
Thanks Guys! I just cant place where the sound is coming from, I know its coming from around the pully closest to the motor Ive checked all I can, I give up Imma turn till it drops:~, its driving me crazy trying to find out what it is so Imma shoot the sucker!!!

Hahaha and Wheelinround? You trying to give me a heart attack? like I said I'm fine when no ones watching lolll as soon as Bill looks at me I'm rattling at the knees lol, Im starting the faceplate course there on Monday night I can't wait:D. See you at the H&F or Trend Days.


4th November 2011, 07:35 AM
Have you checked that the motor pulley is tight?

4th November 2011, 09:31 AM
Mrs B,

It sounds like belt slap, at the pulley, I would say that you could play around with the spring tension.

This could help as the plates would move a little differently.
Less tension and the plates move apart easily, more and they are stiffer / harder to move ,.

You would need to change the spring , do not modify the original spring.


Mrs Blackie
4th November 2011, 04:16 PM
H&F took the whole head with them to fix it thats what I dont get didnt they notice this? lolll then when I told him he said was all good as soon as I go to 4-5 it stops, willl look into it again and see what else can do thank you for your tips vk4 and .

4th November 2011, 09:51 PM
HI Mrs B,

I did my regular maintenance on the Lathe today, I took off the belt guard, and while there ran the lathe in low speed.

I can hear a slight rattle which disappears at higher speeds, I believe that it is only the belt and pulleys .

I would not be too worried , just use the Lathe and do that wooddo that you do best :D:D:D:D ( a bit of plagiarism there with poetic license).

What do you think of the shed:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:??


Mrs Blackie
4th November 2011, 10:24 PM
I want your shed vk4 love it, as I said before I want your and my shed all in my back yard:D:D:D.....Ok so I went to the club house tonight I turned on the lathe there which is the same as ours, and yes that has the same noise, so Larry opened up the case we had a look he couldnt figure it out too so therefore we are ok to go it did exactly the same thing go slow and rattle anything above 4-5 and no noise, so I've come to the conclusion that when I get better at what I do and have enough money Imma buy myself a nother lathe:D:D and I know my hubby is going to love me even more after a grand or so:)).
Wheelinround you in twouble now I got the pressure to demonstrate tell me you didn't have anything to do with it, you guys setting me up or what?:q:q:q:D I'm starting the faceplate course on monday night, I can't wait!


4th November 2011, 10:46 PM
:rolleyes: who me would I do such as that to someone I have not yet met. :devilred:

So Trend it is eh.

4th November 2011, 11:05 PM
It's amazing what you can fit into a small space LOL:2tsup::2tsup::2tsup:

Yes I agree that you should get a better lathe , don't wait until you get better , only until you can afford it. Same with tooling, I will be looking for another lathe soon as I can afford one, I will be saving for it .

have a good weekend,


5th November 2011, 05:01 AM
Mrs. Blackie,

If asked, and you are not too shaky, say "this is how I do it", and have a go.

Your photos show that you do very nice work.

If you are a bit nervous and have a catch, have a cup of tea, take a deep breath and keep on. I'll bet even "experts" with thousands of turnings completed, sometimes have an OOPS! if they don't have their mind on what they are doing.

Keep turning.

5th November 2011, 08:33 AM
Everyone has catch's' you look at it , and analyze what happened , and then continue on and finish the piece.

no-one is perfect, although we all strive for perfection.

GO FOR IT , YOU CAN DO IT.:2tsup::2tsup::2tsup::2tsup::2tsup:

5th November 2011, 09:16 AM
Mrs B,

Mine makes some noise , I believe that this style of machine does, some of the noise is from the belt &pulley's and some from the motor fan.

I would check all of the following:

1 belt cover
2 motor mounting bolts
3 head stock clamp (tight)
4 all bolts in frame holding bed to frame and legs etc ( though I do not think these will cause the noise)

5 you may have these guys running about you backyard :rolleyes:

Golden Ears Provincial Park Sasquatch Encounter - Wood Knocking - YouTube

Mrs Blackie
7th November 2011, 05:13 PM
5 you may have these guys running about you backyard :rolleyes:

Golden Ears Provincial Park Sasquatch Encounter - Wood Knocking - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ibVtnOlEeJ4)

No Bupton, it was Wheelinround sabotaging me, making me think my lathe was that noisy. Wheelinround? don't you know I hear everything you do all the way from Hinchinbrook? :q

7th November 2011, 05:39 PM
Back on topic please Kiddies.:wink:

7th November 2011, 06:30 PM

Just gave my lathe it's 4 hourly maintenance, oiled the shafts and inspected the belt, this is where the noise you are getting (Mrs B) is coming from.

I have a new belt on that has done about 4-5hrs work and I found rubber from the belt in the housing, and reinforcing coming out of the side of the belt where it is wearing.

This is I think a result of the pulley design, with the convolutions which interlock wearing the belt sides as they are driven.



off to Noosa Wednesday for 5 days for a short holiday.

7th November 2011, 07:54 PM
My lathe did this once. I thought it was the bearing but it turned out to be something else.

In the headstock, the gear assembly (not sure if that's the correct name for it) that sits on the spindle and determines the speed, has a grubscrew holding it to the spindle. That screw was loose, and was causing a small metal piece underneath (something of a guiding piece to slot onto the spindle) to rattle. Tightened it up and the noise went away.

I'm not sure if your lathe has the same piece but maybe try that. If none of this makes sense let me know and I'll take photos of mine to show you what I mean.

7th November 2011, 07:59 PM
Further to the above, the same assembly may be on the motor spindle and the noise might be from that. I see suggested this first thing but maybe pull the pulley off and check the grub screw fitting on both spindles.

Mrs Blackie
7th November 2011, 11:58 PM
Back on topic, sorry :), VK4? thats what mine did this is why I changed the belt, I know what you mean. I've decided, in the morning I'm going to open up the housing and just give the whole lathe a big check over too and inox clean up, I mean I don't know what else to do even H&F couldnt find it and say nothings wrong so I dont know, my new belt is ok so far vk4, I will know more in the morning when I open it all up again.
Eisbaer? I would really appreciate if you could take a picture and show us please? it might help me to locate it better. Thanking you.:2tsup:


8th November 2011, 08:30 AM
I'll try and get a photo tonight. I don't get home till about 7:30pm.

8th November 2011, 10:39 PM
I couldn't get any good photos in the dark so I'll have to try on my rdo on Sunday.

17th November 2011, 08:16 AM
How goes the troublesome LATHE????

mine seems to be behaving it self , and I am slowly building some jigs and pieces for the workshop.


Mrs Blackie
17th November 2011, 05:20 PM
How goes the troublesome LATHE????

mine seems to be behaving it self , and I am slowly building some jigs and pieces for the workshop.


Seems to be behaving very well for me so far too Jeff, though am working on making my workshop bigger, getting rid of things on the other half of garage:D and have someone working on electricals for me putting more wall sockets in and an extra light, :clap2: No more cables hanging over and I dont have to jump over them anymore, I cant wait for tomorrow getting more toys to play with:U will take a pic when all done and show you.

Cheers Mate!:2tsup: