View Full Version : M.Power 3D Combination Square Review

20th October 2011, 11:28 PM
Hi folks,

It's been a long time between drinks... err reviews :oo:
My day job has seen me working 14 hours days 6 days a week for the last 16 months (things you have to do to keep yoir job eh). If I actually got paid overtime, I would be a rich man right now, but alas, nothing.

Anyway I have just finished a review of the M.Power 3D Combination Square - M.Power Combination 3D Tri Square and Marking Gauge - Detailed Review - OnlineToolReviews.com (http://onlinetoolreviews.com/reviews/mpower3dsquare.htm)

Available from Macwood here in Oz I believe.

Hope it helps.
(I'll try not take another 16 months to post the next review either :doh:)