View Full Version : Tooth extraction

24th November 2011, 06:12 PM
Bugger!! had to have a molar extracted yesterday!:~

This tooth had several knocks over the years that left it cracked in several places. Persistent dental work had kept it going but in the end it would have been a case of throwing good money after bad.

I still feel a bit off. I never thought of an extraction as a major procedure but after an hours wrestling that's just what it is. No wonder I'm wonky!

25th November 2011, 02:38 AM
I had one out about 5 years ago. I went to the dentist with a tooth ache not expecting to have it pulled out but due to the combination having no dental insurance and not wanting to spend $2000 and my dislike for visiting the dentist and not wanting to go back to get it fixed it took the option of having it out.
The problem was i'd been taking disprin for the pain of the toothache for a couple of days beforehand which thins the blood and after i got home i fainted in the shower due to blood loss. This also could have got more interesting since i was living alone at the time and i had just driven myself home, but it didn't and i'm still here.
You will notice the tooth is missing for quite some time. Kind of like shaving all your hair off but the feeling lasts for longer. You now have a gap in your mouth that your tounge will keep finding.