View Full Version : An inexpensive vacuum press

13th December 2011, 06:33 PM
I have been having a play with 'space-saver' bags, as a vacuum press for pressing marquetry. I wrote a short article for The Marquetry Society of Victoria's newsletter, and thought others might find it of interest. These bags are certainly worth a try.

13th December 2011, 07:04 PM
Very interesting article,well researched
Low cost solution too!

13th December 2011, 08:13 PM
Interesting concept. I have only a passing interest in marquetry, but I have done some and had some professional lessons in a marquetry course and one on one instructrions.

I might have a play around with it as I have a clothes vacuum bag in my workshop gathering dust. It was to be a gift to somebody a long time ago. Now, it may find a real use.

Thanks for sharing.


13th December 2011, 09:56 PM
I've also dome some small pieces with a food cryovac bag. I do the same thing with boards on top and bottom and just let it suck out the air an seal it. Just limited to the a4 width. I got the machine for 20 bucks at a trash and treasure as well as 100 A4 size bags for 5 bucks extra. I've seen them new at Aldi for 99 bucks new (79 on special).

14th December 2011, 12:53 PM
Chris, thanks for this interesting post.It certainly is worth a try and will not break the bank.This has long been on my wish list as an experiment so in the New Year I will give it a go.

14th December 2011, 02:08 PM
Hi Chris,

I like your parsimonious press! I tried one of these a while ago and on pumping it down caused an implosion loud enough to scare the neighbours. I foolishly had left an area of the bag unsupported over a gaping void in the work:doh:
Second attempt with hole plugged was quite successful but I found my Roarakit bag and changed to it. I found it much faster to pump the majority of the air out with my workshop vacuum before resorting to the hand pump.

I also found that the plastic mesh on the swap and go gas cylinders makes an excellent and free seal-breaker around the work.

Thanks for sharing your research.
