View Full Version : WILLIAM DOXFORD & SONS - Ship Nostalgia

22nd December 2011, 08:41 AM
I came across this Link Via another Forum Site. I think some of the Pics may have appeared on here before, but certainly not all of them. Anyway here is the Link William Doxford and Sons - SN Guides (http://www.shipsnostalgia.com/guides/William_Doxford_and_Sons) . There is some serious Engineering Gear and Work going on there.

22nd December 2011, 10:49 AM
Thanks for posting that . Quite a collection of amazing colour pics there. A little known fact is: During WW2, triple expansion steam engines were manufactured here in Castlemaine, in Victoria. These were fitted to some of the Bathhurst class minesweepers , the museum ship now docked at Williamstown, HMAS Castlemaine, has engines fitted that were built in Castlemaine . BTW engines of that type , were considered to be antiquated at the time, but wartime needs overcame that.

28th December 2011, 09:09 AM
That engine type was used in 1895 here in the US on warships of T. Roosevelts' "Great White Fleet" of the Spanish American war. They also were used in the famous (or infamous) Liberty ships of WWII of which over 2700 were built between 1941 and 1945. Two are still operational.