View Full Version : Tool Belt + Drill holsters = weight

8th January 2012, 12:10 PM
This question is 'sort of' powertool related, so hopefully in the right forum.

I'm getting older plus developing the 'middle aged spread' :/

My tool belt loaded up with a battery drill each side and sundry hand tools & fixings is becoming heavier and heavier.
I see on tv a lot of tradies in America use shoulder straps on their tool belts to help take the weight.

Anyone use the straps and how do you find them and what brand do you have?
Any thoughts or information welcome....

growing "old" sucks lol

these type i mean

9723 - YouTube (http://youtu.be/I_oQ8Hl0mvg)

8th January 2012, 12:52 PM
Hi Batcat.

I am having the same problem as you. I also have a bad back right where my belt sits.

I will be very interested to see the responses to your question. I have been looking around Hobart for a few years, but as yet have found nothing.

Don't want to INTERNET search, as I feel this would need to be something I would have to try on for fit/comfort.


8th January 2012, 01:16 PM
Yes I wholeheartedly agree that growing old sucks.
Not being able to see close up is also a pain let alone not being able to bend down to read a measurement close to the floor.
I have had a set of elastic braces (from Carbatec http://www.carbatec.com.au/belts-braces_c21134) clipped onto my nailbag for 8 or 9 years now. My belly would make the belt loose as it slid under my gut. I tried a sinle strap (Dudley Doright style ) but it was not comfortable. The braces have heavy clips that do the job well of staying on and the braces are very comfortable to wear all day.
From the U-Tube pick I am sure that set up would be comfortable too. I am going to try to wear a drill holster as well but on a separate setup so I can use the drill only when I need it.

8th January 2012, 02:47 PM
Can't advise on the middle age spread bit but I think I would find those shoulder and chest straps more of a nuisance than a help. Each time I put my own nail/tool bag on I breathe in deep and snap her home tight. Gravity does seem to have an effect after a couple of hours, more so if I have four pockets full of hardware, hammer & other tools AND a friggin great nailgun all hanging off the belt.
I heard a whisper from a powertool dealer a few weeks ago that tool HOOKS were being made redundant in Europe. Instead, holsters were going to be mandatory for everything. OH&S and all that; I have not heard anything to support it. Any holsters I have personally used I have discarded after only brief use, they should be left in the cowdy movies.

8th January 2012, 06:21 PM
my thoughts exactly Paul - to try before i buy, hopefully someone who uses a system will reply.
A few of the tool manufactures make belts set up with rings for braces, like the
P-71897-Super Heavyweight Champion Belt Set (http://www.makita.com.au/products/accessories/tool-belts-and-pouches/item/tool-belts-and-pouches/p-71897-super-heavyweight-champion-belt-set?Prodid)=
i might well end up with one of those that i find comfortable & then buy 'generic' heavy duty construction suspenders.

Chambezio I'm not so keen on the braces that have the 'alligator jaw clips', I tried a pair of braces with those clips, bloody things would "pop" if I stretched or was crawling along on my belly (lol maybe it's time i gave away confined spaces), even trying to 'adjust' them with pliers & hammer (LOL) they'd grip better but still slip off, i think the carabiner type connectors would be more reliable & stay put.

dakotax3, the "breath in & snap tight" routine doesn't work for me
i cant see the difference OH&S IF they're concerned about weight, whether a tool is hung from a hook or holster either way you have the same amount of weight hanging off your belt.
i know NSW police were trialing shoulder straps because of the weight of extra equipment continually being added to their belts.

9th January 2012, 12:51 PM
Hooks on tools are by far the simplest, hassle-free way of holding a tool, any tool, anywhere, whether it is a rafter hook or belt hook. In fact, I used to make my own belt loops and tool hooks out of low tensile fencing wire before all this hardware became fashionable; nothing could be simpler. No matter at what angle I seemed to be working, the tool swings naturally vertical and stays with me. Messers Makita & Milwaukee don't fit hooks to their tools for nothing. With a holster that is not so and I have permanently discarded mine, I could never get them to work. Different shaped power tools being pushed into the same holster didn't work for me. The narrow chisel holster being the only exception.

In regard to the weight of belts in the opening post, I have avoided the very heavy and equally expensive leather tool/nail belts/bags. Instead, years ago I bought a $20 IRWIN 5 pocket nailbag made from white cotton/canvas with a wide nylon belt and added a hammer loop and chisel holster. Empty, it weighs next to nothing. Cheap and light, they are a positive step toward solving your problem. This is similar to mine:


12th January 2012, 06:05 PM
The weight of equipment belts is a real issue for cops now as well. I see more of them wearing vest style outfit like hunters and cameramen wear to spread the load.

15th January 2012, 08:20 PM
My suggestion would be an old set of army webbing- they're designed to carry 7-10kg's in relative comfort, I started using some around the house after seeing a pic of a builder using them in a magazine.

They're also built to last.

18th January 2012, 08:12 PM
try the buckaroo aussie range, you can get belts that are like weightlifting belts which support you back, there is also shoulder braces which take a load off the waist, a tradie put us onto them & we have never looked back

18th January 2012, 09:26 PM
I bought my braces from carbitec about a year ago . Top of the line with shoulder padding.
I have always use 50mm wide leather belts and with my waist beginning to exceed my hips I was having to do the belt up tight and with the weight of the nail bag and extras was cutting into my flesh.
The braces are great and I no longer have as much back pain. I don't have to do the belt up as tight and can wear my back brace under it without the nail bag sliding down.
All the weight is taken on the shoulders, much more comfortable

19th January 2012, 01:13 AM
Like all before me I have been having the same trouble. My son came to the resque and gave me a work vest. Mine is made by Bosch it seems to do the trick.

19th January 2012, 02:22 PM
I had a look at the buckaroo website and the belts look interesting but there are no closeup pics
It seems to be made of 2 belts. Is one of them designed to hold up your pants and the outer one designed to hold pouches etc?
PS, I just had another look and the description talks about the "upper belt" holding pouches which I guess means the outer one