View Full Version : Unusual turners

31st January 2005, 10:39 PM
Hey ! Did you see the turner on Pilot Guides last night ? He was amazing – there the guy was, in the local back street market, in the Middle East somewhere, squatting on the floor using a small lathe and cutting a spindle with loose ring, spinning the blank with a string bow in his right hand and holding the chisel in his left and supporting the chisel with the gap between his toes. The other foot presumably steadied the lathe from moving around the floor. I guess the lathe was about 600mm long (two foot lathe??) The clip was only about 5 seconds viewing time so I did not catch much else.

Has anybody else seen any unusual turners?


1st February 2005, 01:44 AM
It must be called a 2Ft square lathe. ( ie 2 to the power 2 in maths).....2 feet long and two feet to do the turning.


1st February 2005, 08:58 AM

All Turners are unusual! :eek:

5th February 2005, 05:45 PM
many years ago when i was stationed in south east asia we watched a fellow turning what appeared to be either chair or small table legs much in the same way as that chap on tele.this was outside a small furniture shop for want of a better word.but all the same i would not like to have to do my turnings like that,

cheers tigerbat5