View Full Version : Knee replacement

26th January 2012, 05:14 PM
Just wondering if anyone has had knee replacement job done, if so, how are you doing now with new one and where did you have the opp done.

26th January 2012, 05:41 PM
G'Day Col,
I had a hip done 7 mths ago and in the ward was a bloke having his second knee done.
He said the secret to success was lots of walking and he'd joined a walking club going 2 & 3 times a week on good long walks.
I hope that helps.
Cheers, crowie

26th January 2012, 09:00 PM
I had a full knee replacement in august last year and plan the second in May. The mechanics of the process was fine but i had a serious reaction to post op morphine and it took over 4 months to recover. I think exercise for the knee is important but you can overdo it if your like me. Mine was done as a private patient in Brisbane. As I said I'm planning the second as I now call it my bad knee.


28th January 2012, 07:29 AM
Thanks for comments gents, not a lot of fun by the sounds of it but must be done

28th January 2012, 08:32 AM
I would have thought this thread would have had more posts given the general age of many forumites and the fact that most old men, in particular, have faulty knees. Getting it done allows you to get around normally and without pain. Sure there is some pain at the time, short term discomfort getting in and out of cars and negotiating steps. You can't drive for about a month but the result is worth it. The down sides get better progressively quicker and in a year all the muscles have healed and returned to normal and your good for 10 to 15 years of good times. In my opinion any one who is healthy in other respects and puts up with the restrictions and discomfort of crook knees hasn't got their priorities right.


Durham Lad
28th January 2012, 08:40 AM
Hi Col, Have had both knees replaced, first one 10yrs ago second one 8!/2 years ago, plenty of after op pain involved but the end result is well worth it. Have almost the same movement as the originals. Five years ago I had my right Hip replaced only need the left hip done now for the full set. Excersise is important, I still play golf when time permits, there are no real limits to what you can do, just forget you have had them done. Cheers and good luck with the op. Brian.

Geoff Dean
28th January 2012, 12:20 PM
Had a half knee replacement 4 yrs ago after a couple of reco's. I was only 43 at the time. Recovery was a lot quicker and easier than for the reco's, I was up walking the next day with crutches and on the exercise bike within 24hrs of the op.

Rehab is the most important bit. Push it as much as you can. Get yourself a decent exercise bike, one that can be programmed for different levels of resistance etc. It is well worth the expense and effort.

The worst part for me was waiting in pre-op. I could hear the hammer and chisel work on the patient that was having a replacement before me. It sounded like they were banging away at a piece of redgum. :D

16th February 2012, 08:46 AM
This reply may be a bit late.
I had a total knee replacement November 2010 at Green slopes hospital by Dr mark Dekkers its fabulous, no pain and can do almost any thing with it, 4 days in hospital &
about 3 mts physo this is a very important step to getting it to work properly.
short time pain long time gain.

John T
16th February 2012, 01:48 PM
Best thing i have ever done 1st op in 2004 next on the other knee 2006 no pain, the worst thing about it you carn't get down and grovel to the treasure:no::no:

16th February 2012, 09:01 PM
I purchased 3 sets of good gell filled knee pads, 1 set for the car in case i have to change
a Tyre, 2 sets for my workshop i seem to do lots of things down on my knees i can kneel
down & work with out any problems with the pads on.

16th February 2012, 09:30 PM
Just had my second knee replaced now three weeks ,walking with out aids, important to have physio and do home exercises, op was in Melbourne Private Hospital, all the best Sood.