View Full Version : surface grinder projects

11th February 2012, 12:04 AM
I just picked up a couple of surface grinders and thought i would post some pics
One is a harig 612 manual machine and she needs a lot of work
plenty of scraping practice on this one it has had nylon strips glued to the x ways with quick grip quality repair :oo:
the other is a reid model 2-I its old but seems it be in ok condition but is missing the y axis power feed parts I have been looking for a manual on the net but haven't been able to find one for this model yet

harig 612
arriving home
The oldman and the Reid
the reid after a wash she has had a dulux rebuild at some stage


Anorak Bob
11th February 2012, 01:28 AM
"Dulux rebuild" What an absolutely apt description. Thankfully I wasn't drinking my coffee when I read that ! :D That's up there with flight rust.

11th February 2012, 01:32 AM
Looks like alot of work,beers and fun ahead for you mate..AWSOME score I am a little green eyed now..lol

11th February 2012, 03:48 PM
Looks like some handy sized machines once you are finished rebuilding them..

Dave J
11th February 2012, 04:18 PM
Nice pick up. :2tsup: A bit of TLC and they will be up and running.


11th February 2012, 07:34 PM
got the reid running today after a mechanical clean up will asses the wear over the next few days very well made and no shortage of cast in this one the base cabinet is 20mm thick
nice oil system with pipes running to the critical parts
watching it is a bit like watching the shaper but with sparks
the harig will definitely need a bit of scraping
the new surface plate is now ready to pickup (thanks Greg Q) so it will go into immediate service
so the plan is use the reid to fix the Harig if needed then restore the Reid cos i dont think I can be without a surface grinder now i have one :wink:


more photos to come

Greg Q
11th February 2012, 07:53 PM
Peter if you ever want rid of either of them please let me be first in line. Either of those would do my modest needs.


(no longer thinking of buying one in the US and importing given the blow out in costs associated with the surface plates...so much for my 1000EE + K.O Lee + Harig + Moore #2 retirment shop)

12th February 2012, 09:35 AM
the reid after a wash she has had a dulux rebuild at some stage

Yes fully restored by the Dulux maintenance team.Genuine one owner and "Highly polished and deeply dented"

12th February 2012, 02:32 PM
got the reid running today after a mechanical clean up will asses the wear over the next few days very well made and no shortage of cast in this one the base cabinet is 20mm thick
nice oil system with pipes running to the critical parts
watching it is a bit like watching the shaper but with sparks
the harig will definitely need a bit of scraping
the new surface plate is now ready to pickup (thanks Greg Q) so it will go into immediate service
so the plan is use the reid to fix the Harig if needed then restore the Reid cos i dont think I can be without a surface grinder now i have one :wink:


more photos to come

Hi Harty,

I like the plan... use one to fix the other, from my limited experience here are a couple of tips...

If you are going to take the chuck off the Reid, then now is probably the time, after you remove clean out the inevitable rust...and replace the chuck, then you need to take a lick off the chuck. Surface grinders are one of the few machines that can true themselves... like shapers..

Before you do that, you need to get the wheel balancing and dressing sussed out. Did you get a diamond dresser with the machine?

Have you got a wheel balancer? I can scan the wheel balancing instructions I've got if you are interested...

What sort of coolant setup does the Reid have? Whatever coolant you use make sure it's got anti-rust stuff. Nothing rusts quicker than freshly surface ground surfaces.


PS Stuart knows a bit about surface grinding, but he's on holidays... unless he gets his phone working :)

12th February 2012, 06:30 PM
Surface grinders are one of the few machines that can true themselves... like shapers..

Yes but only to the extent that the ways are true (unworn) - ram ways on a shaper or table ways on a grinder.

PS Stuart knows a bit about surface grinding, but he's on holidays... unless he gets his phone working :)

Thought it was quiet. :)

12th February 2012, 09:55 PM
Yes but only to the extent that the ways are true (unworn) - ram ways on a shaper or table ways on a grinder.

Hi Bryan,

Yes, that's true.. it's hard to draw a straight line with a bent ruler... but from what Harty was saying the Reid sounds like it's in pretty good nick..

I forgot to add, that if you do remove the chuck, then make sure everything is super clean when you replace it... no dust etc..


13th February 2012, 06:20 AM
While it is off have a good look at the bottom side and true it up as well.I scored a magnetic chuck off a mate as it had an aluminium base which was growing with corrosion from the coolant .It had enough growth buildup under there to warp the table so they were flattening it a bit.First they knew of the problem was when a hold down bolt snapped from the pressure.I cleaned it all up re-machined the base and had the top reground.He bought a new one with a cast iron base.

13th February 2012, 07:24 AM
A coincidence, but I listed my Reid 2-1 on Ebay, finishing next Friday (look under Surface Grinder). It will be sad to see it go, but I'm moving to a smaller workshop. I'd like to keep my Macson lathe, but the logistics of moving the best part of a ton of lathe might see it relegated to scrap :C

13th February 2012, 04:52 PM
A coincidence, but I listed my Reid 2-1 on Ebay, finishing next Friday (look under Surface Grinder). It will be sad to see it go, but I'm moving to a smaller workshop. I'd like to keep my Macson lathe, but the logistics of moving the best part of a ton of lathe might see it relegated to scrap :C
Hi Burrayboy
have you got a manual for the grinder or could I trouble you for for some detailed pics of the auto y axis feed system
and where did you get the spindle bushes from or did you make them
as for the macson post a pic so we can have a look dont send here to scrap just yet the reid would weigh close to 900kg

Ray i have a diamond dresser off the tool and cutter grinder but i would be interested in the wheel balancing info
the reid has no fluid system and there is no rust under the chuck but it will need a dressing once i get the wheels sorted i will need to put a single phase motor in as the only 3 phase power I have is a generator and it wont start the grinder have assist it to get up to speed


Greg Q
13th February 2012, 04:56 PM
A coincidence, but I listed my Reid 2-1 on Ebay, finishing next Friday (look under Surface Grinder). It will be sad to see it go, but I'm moving to a smaller workshop. I'd like to keep my Macson lathe, but the logistics of moving the best part of a ton of lathe might see it relegated to scrap :C

Hi Burraboy. Are you open to offers on that Reid of yours?


13th February 2012, 05:50 PM
Are you going to buy it for me Greg? Very generous of you I must say..... :D

Greg Q
13th February 2012, 06:03 PM
Ah darn it! I wanted it to be a surprise, RC. Plus I was going to pick up the shipping too. Now you've gone and ruined it. Never mind, I'll get you a nice birthday card instead.


13th February 2012, 06:15 PM
Ray i have a diamond dresser off the tool and cutter grinder but i would be interested in the wheel balancing info
the reid has no fluid system and there is no rust under the chuck but it will need a dressing once i get the wheels sorted i will need to put a single phase motor in as the only 3 phase power I have is a generator and it wont start the grinder have assist it to get up to speed


Hi Harty,

I wouldn't recommend using a single phase motor on the spindle, you will get better results with a 3 phase motor, it will run smoother and the finish will be better, also I found that the wheel was running slower than the specs at 50Hz, so I run the VFD at 60Hz, which gives closer to the correct SFPM and plus by using a vfd you can ramp up the wheel nice and smoothly... You would only need the vfd for the spindle, so an el-cheapo Huanyang would do nicely.

These are the wheel balancing instructions for mine. Yours might differ but the principles should be the same.



PS I saw some Reid manuals on ebay.. REID 2B 2C Surface Grinder Operator's & Parts Manual | eBay (http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/REID-2B-2C-Surface-Grinder-Operators-Parts-Manual-/310220689457?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item483a981031)

13th February 2012, 06:53 PM
Hi Burrayboy
have you got a manual for the grinder or could I trouble you for for some detailed pics of the auto y axis feed system
and where did you get the spindle bushes from or did you make them
as for the macson post a pic so we can have a look dont send here to scrap just yet the reid would weigh close to 900kg

Ray i have a diamond dresser off the tool and cutter grinder but i would be interested in the wheel balancing info
the reid has no fluid system and there is no rust under the chuck but it will need a dressing once i get the wheels sorted i will need to put a single phase motor in as the only 3 phase power I have is a generator and it wont start the grinder have assist it to get up to speed


No Manual I'm afraid Harty. I'll try to get a couple of pics in the morning and post them here. I wouldn't have thought much more than a half a ton though, I bought it home on my ute years ago. The spindle and bushes were very bad when I got it, but thanks to Pipeclay's excellent workmanship and generosity, the spindle was skimmed and new bushes fitted.

13th February 2012, 06:58 PM
Hi Burraboy. Are you open to offers on that Reid of yours?


Yes, sort of, but its a long way to where you are. What sort of transport did you have in mind? I'm still looking at the transport options for the Macson.

13th February 2012, 07:26 PM
What size motors are on the grinder?

13th February 2012, 07:28 PM
Thought it was quiet. :)
Doesn't mean I'm not calling in now and then to keep an eye on you;)

Only useful thing I can think of to add atm is that if it has a permanent magnet chuck don't pull it apart unless you are sure it's one that will still work when you put it back together.


P.s. I miss my shed!

13th February 2012, 07:35 PM
Hi Harty,

I wouldn't recommend using a single phase motor on the spindle, you will get better results with a 3 phase motor, it will run smoother and the finish will be better, also I found that the wheel was running slower than the specs at 50Hz, so I run the VFD at 60Hz, which gives closer to the correct SFPM and plus by using a vfd you can ramp up the wheel nice and smoothly... You would only need the vfd for the spindle, so an el-cheapo Huanyang would do nicely.

These are the wheel balancing instructions for mine. Yours might differ but the principles should be the same.



PS I saw some Reid manuals on ebay.. REID 2B 2C Surface Grinder Operator's & Parts Manual | eBay (http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/REID-2B-2C-Surface-Grinder-Operators-Parts-Manual-/310220689457?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item483a981031)

Hi Ray
thanks for that info
I would need to get another 3phase motor as well
the one i have can only be wired for star 415v and no wiring option for delta so unless i can find a old arc welder that has 250v in and 400v in to make a step up transformer for a rotary phase converter I am stuck with the single phase on this one for now
i have installed a temporary semiautomatic feed for the yaxis its a bit temperamental but does run on lollies as a power source :2tsup:


13th February 2012, 08:25 PM


I'm not much on the photography, but do these show you anything useful?
Here's on of the lathe too.


13th February 2012, 08:28 PM
What size motors are on the grinder?

Mine or Harty's? 2hp here anyway.

13th February 2012, 08:31 PM
Hi Ray
thanks for that info
I would need to get another 3phase motor as well
the one i have can only be wired for star 415v and no wiring option for delta so unless i can find a old arc welder that has 250v in and 400v in to make a step up transformer for a rotary phase converter I am stuck with the single phase on this one for now
i have installed a temporary semiautomatic feed for the yaxis its a bit temperamental but does run on lollies as a power source :2tsup:


Hi Harty,

I like the Y-axis feed system, voice command operated too.. :D (well, on mine the voice commands only worked intermittently, but chips were always a reliable power source.. :) )

You could always pull out the star point in that motor.. pretty easy to do, or get a motor rewinder to do it for you. My son-in-law is a motor rewinder, and he does them in about 10 minutes, re-varnish the terminals and give it a general once-over.

So between the two grinders have you decided which one Jayson is getting?


13th February 2012, 08:49 PM
same mine is 2hp also

Thanks for the pics burraboy here is a pic of what mine is missing
ray not sure which one will go to jayson yet will have to see which ones the most usefull
the reid is 6x18 and harig is only 6x12 but the spindle arrangement is better and i can always stick some stepper motors on for power feed it is how ever missing the oil pump and needs some major scraping to get her back to useful when I get around to it I will post some pics of the butchering that has been done to the way surfaces but what can you expect for 49 bucks


14th February 2012, 05:09 PM
Ah darn it! I wanted it to be a surprise, RC. Plus I was going to pick up the shipping too. Now you've gone and ruined it. Never mind, I'll get you a nice birthday card instead.


Well that is OK, You can get me this instead
Ram type milling machine, Roku-Roku (Huron), model RUM-5, serial number 255 Auction (0006-5002305) | GraysOnline Australia (http://www.graysonline.com/lot/0006-5002305/manufacturing/ram-type-milling-machine-roku-roku-huron-model-rum-5-serial-number-255)

Greg Q
14th February 2012, 06:30 PM
See, now you're just getting greedy:wink: One Roku I can understand, but two Roku is just...avarice. Which is one of the 1123 deadly sins according to Rick Santorum. So, in the interests in preserving your immortal soul from the hell fires of damnation I must decline. Don't say I'm not looking after your best interests.

Father Greg,
A simple country abbot doing good deeds all the do-dah day. :cool: