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13th February 2012, 10:42 AM
Its about 4 years ago I posted this thread in regard to my first ever OT attempt and the start of my build of a Rose Engine http://www.woodworkforums.com/f22/1st-time-ornamental-turning-70351/
It got shelved close to being assembled on the MDF bed due to lack of space in my shed at the time and taking on other responsibilities over the last 2 years which were time consuming. Not much has changed although the shed has become more organised sort of and i have stood down from a situation.

All my parts bits and pieces still sit in boxes on the shelf. In the last 4 years I have acquired through generous donations by Hughie, Pat two mates called Peter and others more materials, mechanisms etc to make and finish it.:B

Time, space and health still have been my worst enemies although health is better, weather and still time and space are a ARPIA and I can do nothing about the weather or time except stay home and complete tasks.

In 4 years I have had the pleasure of using a number of other peoples Rose Engines when at demonstrations at H&F's (http://woolnwood.blogspot.com.au/2011/11/tools-and-machines.html)and Trend (http://woolnwood.blogspot.com.au/2011/12/timber-and-tools-2nd-weekend.html) and at Sydney Wood show.

Researching many other Rose Engines through Google and other Ornamental Turning groups and associated Engine Turned OT types, I found each had their owners own style use and design for what ever purpose.

I have started many projects towards the Rose Engine also Wool 'n' Wood: Universal Cutting Frame for Ornamental Turning (http://woolnwood.blogspot.com.au/2011/07/universal-cutting-frame-for-ornamental.html)

This year I am endeavouring to get it up and running with what I already have at hand it has for me to be.

1 Portable
2 Versatile
3 Most of all be able to be dismantled and stored when not in use.
4 Adaptable to my needs for what ever use I have

This will be a long WiP and can be followed on our Blog (http://woolnwood.blogspot.com.au/)

18th February 2012, 02:05 PM
I take it you are not going to do a WIP on the forum Ray.

18th February 2012, 02:10 PM
I'll do updates John of the progress will save me some time. Bit like some of the fellows do with their benches, metal projects etc.

18th February 2012, 02:12 PM
Okay Ray, look forward to those updates. :2tsup:

11th March 2012, 10:50 PM
[I'll do updates John of the progress will save me some time. Bit like some of the fellows do with their benches, metal projects etc

...and sheds :)

12th March 2012, 01:00 AM
Cool a work in progress from wheelie. Now we can give encouragement make fun of you.


12th March 2012, 10:00 AM
More stuff to add to the journey Any Old Iron (http://woolnwood.blogspot.com.au/2012/03/any-old-iron.html)

12th March 2012, 06:43 PM
That is an impressive contraption Ray. Nice pickup. :2tsup:Very steampunk
Get a driver for that stepper and you have 200 acurately spaced index marks. I don't know much about turning let alone OT but I can see how that will fit into your engine nicely.

12th March 2012, 06:55 PM
Tony I have been looking at it in here all yesterday afternoon and today out on the bench had to box it up otherwise would have done nothing bt dream all day.

Have read of this (http://woolnwood.blogspot.com.au/2011/10/ornamental-turning-inspiration.html) and see where I can take it these two fellows have already used steppers in OT as a number of others.

The worm drive unit I have had so many idea from first seeing it.:doh: since then :roll:

Now if I can just get other jobs out of the way :U