View Full Version : Peppercorn tree

21st February 2012, 07:05 PM
hey turners, are peppercorn trees anygood for turning , i am not into this part of woodworking but a big one got blown down at greenmount near toowoomba only 1 week ago it woud have a girth of about i.2 mtr a lot of good wood if it is good wood for turning. thought someone on the downs might be interested if they could use it all free of course . cheers peter (:2tsup:grandad)

21st February 2012, 08:30 PM
Hi Checkerflight,
One of the nicest Woods around, when Dry of Course.
There are more Browns through that Tree than you can imagine .
Have a closer, & there should be quite a few Burls there as well.
They are well worth going after. May split a bit but I think there are ways to stop that.

22nd February 2012, 06:44 PM
Many years ago before I was into turning myself I bought my mother a peppercorn bowl. It's a beautiful wood for turning.

Sawdust Maker
22nd February 2012, 10:35 PM
I've only seen little bits of pepper tree
but that has been extremely nice wood

if you get some send me a big bit please :wink:

23rd February 2012, 12:44 PM
hello every body, the peppercorn is blown over but is still connected so to speak but is green and so still living it is a fairly lge tree the owner has to get rid of it but i have told her to just leave for awhile until i can find someone that wants it. i am not into turning in anyway but other forms of woodwork. if it can be used by someone then i will get a chainsaw or someone can cut it himself they are quite welcome to it for free. i just hate wasting timber and i just looked at it and thought it mat be good for turning. how would i go about cutting it up and storing for some one. how big SHOULD I MAKE THE PCS. cheers peter flack pm me your no and i will call if you are serious :2tsup:

23rd February 2012, 04:35 PM
I don't know how you link it, but if you have a look at my post under "peppercorn bowl"
on14/2/11, you can see what it looks like .

Sawdust Maker
24th February 2012, 09:15 PM
I don't know how you link it, but if you have a look at my post under "peppercorn bowl"
on14/2/11, you can see what it looks like .

I knew I'd seen some
Try this link (http://www.woodworkforums.com/f8/peppercorn-tree-bowl-131097/) to Ted's bowl

25th February 2012, 12:59 PM
I think a small piece would be interesting to play with. Just not sure how to get it to Sydney from Condong.

Maybe someone more local can get involved?

28th February 2012, 11:26 AM
CF, for bowl blanks the rule of thumb is to cut it into lengths that are a bit longer than the diameter without bark. Then cut the pith out.

Course for this beast you'll need a big CS or a medium one with chain and bar in very good nick and some accurate cutting.

Or maybe get in touch with the local WW club; they may have some turners ready to snaffle it.

Only bit I've turned had great figure but was a sod to dry.