View Full Version : Adult Education Courses in Brisbane

29th February 2012, 07:19 AM
This is my first post on this forum but I've searched and haven't found what I was looking for....

Does anyone know of short courses available in Brisbane on the various topics of metalwork? eg welding (tig, mig etc), lathe work, mill work, etc? You'd think the Tafe colleges would have something but I couldn't find them listed anywhere.

I don't have any formal education in the metalwork trades but I have done quite a bit of general steel fabrication on a hobby basis. I now have a small mill and lathe plus a few welders but only know the basics. I would like to know more so they can be fully utilised and so I know what's possible so when I go down to the local machine shop, I have a bit of an idea on what I'm asking for.

Ideally, these courses would take place on nights or weekends as I already work a 50-60hr week.

Any pointers would be great.


29th February 2012, 01:40 PM
The TAFE colleges vary in terms of courses they offer . It depends on where you live and how far you are willing to travel. The TAFE system is rather disorganised in that sense .

The Machining course you want is the pre apprenteship course . It is set up for trainees who want to try out machining . Usually, they run it in conjunction with 1st or 2nd year apprentices , one or two days per week . You are shown the basics and get to use the lathes and mills .
