View Full Version : Melbourne Carba-Tec Store

7th February 2005, 03:02 PM
I have Just been looking through the February edition of Australian Woodworker and wondered if any one else noticed the Carba-Tec adverts on The inside cover pages 8 and 9 and the inside back cover. I noticed all the branches through out Australia and their Phone numbers are there with the exception of Melbourne

What does this mean? Are we going to lose our own Carba-Tec store.

Any Ideas

Me2 (Signature removed as it was political) and I don't care if it was a quote!!! .

7th February 2005, 03:18 PM

They are not on the Carbatec web site either.


7th February 2005, 04:21 PM
I thought it was because of their change from Richmond to Bayswater.

At the time of the ad being placed, with its long lead time for printing and distributing the date of the move was still uncertain.


7th February 2005, 04:28 PM
I have Just been looking through the February edition of Australian Woodworker and wondered if any one else noticed the Carba-Tec adverts on The inside cover pages 8 and 9 and the inside back cover. I noticed all the branches through out Australia and their Phone numbers are there with the exception of Melbourne</ST1:p!!!!! What does this mean? Are we going to lose our own Carba-Tec store.<O:p</O:p

Any Ideas <O:p</O:p


Quote by the <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:pWashington</ST1:place</st1:State> Post<O:p</O:p

“Many people in the world increasingly think President Bush is a greater threat to world peace than Iraqi President Sadam Hussein”<O:p</O:p

Increase your font size so we can read it.

Al :p

7th February 2005, 04:43 PM

They are not on the Carbatec web site either.


Yes they are, in Bayswater

7th February 2005, 09:01 PM
Increase your font size so we can read it.

Al :p Don't be so bl00dy lousy, go and see your local optometrist and throw away those service station reading glasses, the rest of us can read it!

7th February 2005, 10:09 PM
Graeme, I might draw your attention to this part of the first thread,

Last edited by : 4 Hours Ago at 05:35 PM.

It was smaller. It's been made bigger by .


8th February 2005, 10:58 AM
That makes a change. normally makes very Big things smaller! ;)

8th February 2005, 06:11 PM
Don't be so bl00dy lousy, go and see your local optometrist and throw away those service station reading glasses, the rest of us can read it!

Is this a paid commercial? ;)

8th February 2005, 08:19 PM

8th February 2005, 08:26 PM
A poor state of affairs when we cant quote a News paper on a current affair.

simon c
8th February 2005, 09:32 PM
http://www.carbatecvic.com.au/ website has been down for a couple of days

8th February 2005, 10:00 PM
Well the way you Mexicans have been going on about it for the past year or so, it sounds like it won't be missed if it has gone belly up.

8th February 2005, 10:03 PM
Well the way you Mexicans have been going on about it for the past year or so, it sounds like it won't be missed if it has gone belly up.
Saw that one coming, Here here...:D


9th February 2005, 08:24 AM
I will be disappointed if Carbatec Vic goes ah sup.

Me2, I saw someone edited the other day for writing the word - t i t s. Now THAT is a very sad state of affairs. :(


PS Their site is still cactus.

9th February 2005, 08:41 AM
15 minutes so far Dan, must have forgotten his password :D :D :D

9th February 2005, 09:17 AM
Don't get me wrong, I have no problem with the mods editing offensive/political/defamatory posts. It's when we start getting all limp wristed that I spit the dummy. I mean the word t1t is hardly offensive no matter how you look at it. It's a derivative of the word 'teat'. Will we be edited if we start writing 'teat'?


9th February 2005, 04:38 PM
15 minutes so far Dan, must have forgotten his password :D :D :D

Iain, it was Shane not who used the morality delete button.

I'm with you Dan, I didn't think it was necessary to edit my post as IMHO it wasn't offensive.


9th February 2005, 04:41 PM
Shane wont even let you say smartarse. :D
In case it gets edited the word was smart rear end. :D :D

9th February 2005, 07:55 PM
Crikey! (Oops! Can I say That?)
Anyway, what IS happening at XXXXX-XXX Bxxxxxxxr Melbourne?

9th February 2005, 09:23 PM
Ok you lot.

ME2. Yours is not the only signature or little caption under the Avatar so don't feel I am picking on you. I have even requested some to change their avatar as it was offensive.

There has been a litlle bit of anti american towards some members creeping into this board of late.

It has been stated in previous posts that direct and inflammatory political statements will be deleted.

I will not waver on that subject.

This is a woodworking forum. Keep within the rules and all be well.

11th February 2005, 09:02 PM
Totally agree.

13th February 2005, 07:24 PM

There has been a litlle bit of anti american towards some members creeping into this board of late.

Yer what is it with some of you guys and Americans anyway? Were your fathers wartime GIs or something?

13th February 2005, 09:52 PM
Ok you lot.
..... There has been a litlle bit of anti american towards some members creeping into this board of late.

This is a woodworking forum. Keep within the rules and all be well.

The odd thing about that is that they get called seppos and yet oz is about to celebrate Valentines Day - an invention of corporate America.

Personally I recklon calling them Yanks is ok but seppo is a bit over the top.
btw don't bother searching the bb - I have used that term but won't in future as I consider it downright nasty.

By by from
Goody 2 shoes. :eek:

13th February 2005, 10:02 PM
Dear Mr Two Shoes,

Please be advised that the term "Seppo" is merely rhyming slang derived from the term "Yank" and as such has no further connotations whatsoever when used by this little black duck..... err insect!!

The practice of Seppo baiting shall from this day forth be only practiced by yours truly only on Dills, or on good sports who are trying very very hard to understand what is going on, (admittedly often with limited success) and seem capable of dishing it back.

Oh hang on...isn't that generally what's been happening anyway?


P (who doesn't believe in any of that Seppo Valentine Schmaltz anyway.)
:D :D :D

14th February 2005, 08:26 AM
P (who doesn't believe in any of that Seppo Valentine Schmaltz anyway.)
:D :D :D
Isn't Schmaltz Jewish, hereby opening another can of worms :D :D :D
Used to work for a Jewish bloke, went back to his home and he showed me his liquor cabinet, Jewish brandy, best in the world, Jewish gin, best in the world, Jewish rum, best in the world, Scotch, in a Jewish bottle :D :D :D :D

simon c
14th February 2005, 08:39 AM
The odd thing about that is that they get called seppos and yet oz is about to celebrate Valentines Day - an invention of corporate America.
I agree that the commercialisation of Valentine's Day is purely American, it was they who changed it from being the exchanging of notes to the giving of cards and subsequently giving of gifts - but the concept is quite old. These extracts are from thefreedictionary.com:

The first recorded association of St. Valentine's Day with romantic love was in the 14th century in England and France, where it was believed that February 14 was the day on which birds paired off to mate. This belief is mentioned in the writings of Geoffrey Chaucer in the 14th century, who wrote in the Parlement of Foules that

<I>For this was sent on Seynt Valentyne's day
Whan every foul cometh ther to choose his mate</I>

It was common during that era for lovers to exchange notes on this day and to call each other their "Valentines". A 14th century valentine is said to be in the collection of the British Library. It is probable that many of the legends about St. Valentine were invented during this period.

Among the legends are ones that assert that:
On the evening before St. Valentine was to be martyred for being a Christian, he passed a love note to his jailer's daughter which read "From Your Valentine".
During a ban on marriages of Roman soldiers by the Emperor Claudius II, St. Valentine secretly helped arrange marriages.
In most versions of these legends, February 14 is the date associated with his martyrdom.

14th February 2005, 01:24 PM
The practice of Seppo baiting shall from this day forth be only practiced by yours truly only on Dills, or on good sports who are trying very very hard to understand what is going on, (admittedly often with limited success) and seem capable of dishing it back.

BM, you aim too low, sure baiting seppos (= septic tank = yank) is a giggle but it is like fishing at a trout farm. Try and bait bigger fish or at least fish with more fight. The seppos are okay to practice on, and sure you may go back for an easy giggle, but the satisfaction is momentary and encourages lazy habits.
I would suggest that if you can get doorstop to bite then you are after big fish :)

14th February 2005, 01:28 PM
I would suggest that if you can get doorstop to bite then you are after big fish :)

No chance of getting Doorstop to bite - he's lost his dentures :D


14th February 2005, 01:45 PM
Well, if the good old traditional sport of Seppo-baiting is going to be banished, it's going to make life very hard for the Kiwis on the forum, that's all I can say...

BTW what's with the American guy on the Subway commercials? I remember a time when foreign commercials had to be overdubbed with local 'talent'. Is this a sign of things to come?

14th February 2005, 01:47 PM
I would suggest that if you can get doorstop to bite then you are after big fish :)


If you re-read my post, I absolutely included "Dills" in the target market!!!

But you are correct of course..... "dills who have ceased to be" are pretty much an impossible target!

As for rhyming slang, china, it's part of the language I grew up with, and it's going to stay that way despite (or perhaps because of) the cringe that some suffer!


P (who thinks Carbatec Melbourne started all this so they should finish it!!)

14th February 2005, 03:00 PM
BTW what's with the American guy on the Subway commercials? I remember a time when foreign commercials had to be overdubbed with local 'talent'. Is this a sign of things to come?

He used to be an extremely obese guy who became merely a big guy by eating nothing by Subway sandwiches. Rather impressive really - the weight loss that is, though one does have to admire his dedication to eating nothing but Subway.


14th February 2005, 03:02 PM
About once a fortnight, I put up a post that never makes it to the board - the above post was done twice thanks to this. Is getting psychic and deleting me before the Midge gets to respond? Or am I getting psychotic?


14th February 2005, 03:02 PM
So he used to do Macdonalds ads?

14th February 2005, 03:04 PM
So he used to do Macdonalds ads?
No, it's a true story. He was just a very fat, very unhappy guy who saw their ads for low fat food and dreamt up his own diet. It did include exercise, it wasn't just the eating. I remember seeing a story about him before he signed the advertising deal.


14th February 2005, 03:22 PM
No, it's a true story. He was just a very fat, very unhappy guy who saw their ads for low fat food and dreamt up his own diet. It did include exercise, it wasn't just the eating. I remember seeing a story about him before he signed the advertising deal.


Ahh, dear Jarrod. Yep, real guy, real weightloss.... spent a year eating Subs three times a day (with diet chips and diet soda as a treat at lunchtime).

Lost hundreds of pounds (and more than a few kilos), and even did a spot on Oprah before Subway got a hold of him. He spawned (well his story did) thousands of wannabe's, and in the states they are known as Jarrod's army.

In fact his diet is one of the things that gave that company a genuinely positive health momentum....check here if interested (

As for the UNBELIEVABLE costs of dubbing and why it don't happen so much no more......... sigh!

Err how did we get from Carbatec to this?
P (who let the bastards grind him down!! :D )

14th February 2005, 03:30 PM
Well, apart from the protection of jobs for the poor starving voice-over talent in Australia, and who cares if it costs these multi-national companies a motza to get it done, there's the principle of the thing. I mean, what's next? Would "I love Aeroplane Jelly" be as memorable if it was sung as "I love Airplane Jello" by some kid from Texas? Come on, get real. We're losing our identity by the minute. Next they'll give Ronald Macdonald an American accent :eek:

Just carrying on with the theme of the day. :D

14th February 2005, 03:33 PM
Actually, we're doing quite well with this thread. From Carbatech we've managed to insult the yanks, threaten the kiwis, mention yankee ads coming to Oz and discuss weight loss in advertising.
And not a pancake anywhere.
I'm impressed. All we need to do now is to start World War 2 ... or did I miss that one.


14th February 2005, 03:34 PM
Next they'll give Ronald Macdonald an American accent :eek:

I think it's appalling, that they've allowed that to happen to a simple Scottish hamburger chain.


14th February 2005, 03:41 PM
I think it's appalling, that they've allowed that to happen to a simple Scottish hamburger chain.

Scottish? I'll believe that when they start serving McHaggis Burgers :D

14th February 2005, 04:02 PM
Scottish? I'll believe that when they start serving McHaggis Burgers :D
They've been working on them but haven't been able to effectively plasiticise Haggis yet. All efforts to date have retained some nutritional content and hence have been deemed unsuitable.


15th February 2005, 10:07 AM
So what has happened to XXXXX-XXX Melbourne? I can't be bothered driving the 20 or so ks to go and see.
P.S . Everyone knows that the Haggis are little round animals that have four legs,of which two on one side are shorter than the two on the other, evolved through running around the mountain sides in Scotland. They are only caught by hairy legged scots in skirts after said scots have consumed several bottles of single malt, some being saved to pour over the haggis either before,during or after cooking. Right Iain?

15th February 2005, 02:27 PM
Absolutely correct, in fact the male haggis after being carefully consumed is then boned out and covered in tartan wool from the highland tartan sheep and played by the pipers, it has to be the male though.
To corroborate this I have evidence of a live haggis (escaped from a Scottish Airways fight in Hawaii) and the highland sheep.
Viv Glenlivet :D :D :D

15th February 2005, 02:37 PM
Iain, ifn I hadna seen it I wouldna believed it. :D

15th February 2005, 02:37 PM
Do you slice and spread haggis on a pancake, or roll them in it as you would a crepe??

P :confused:

15th February 2005, 02:44 PM
Do you slice and spread haggis on a pancake, or roll them in it as you would a crepe??

P :confused:
ROFL, you never give up do you? At least I hope you don't. :D :D :D :D

15th February 2005, 02:45 PM
If it's been run over by a car, you roll it in a crepe but if it's been hit by a truck, you spread it on a pancake.

15th February 2005, 02:58 PM
If it's been run over by a car, you roll it in a crepe but if it's been hit by a truck, you spread it on a pancake.
Not wishing to be a tartan nazi, but shouldn't that be McCrepe and McPancake. :rolleyes: :D

15th February 2005, 03:05 PM
Not wishing to be a tartan nazi, but shouldn't that be McCrepe and McPancake. :rolleyes: :D

Well McME!! I do believe you're right.

P :D

15th February 2005, 03:36 PM
WHATS HAPPENED TO XXXXX-XXX BXXXXXXXXR ? Please will someone give a straight answer to a straight question? (Bloody Heck!)
(I thought that the skin of the haggis was made into the purse that hangs in front of the scotsmans private parts (careful) called I believe, a Sporran, in which the afore mentioned scot stores neeps and other delicacies with which he stuffs the dead haggis, and then.....aw bugger it, this is getting too bloody difficult!

15th February 2005, 03:50 PM
WHATS HAPPENED TO XXXXX-XXX BXXXXXXXXR ? Please will someone give a straight answer to a straight question? (Bloody Heck!)
Simple mate, its called a HIJACK. :D

15th February 2005, 03:52 PM
Or Hi! Jack ;)

simon c
15th February 2005, 05:22 PM
If it's been run over by a car, you roll it in a crepe but if it's been hit by a truck, you spread it on a pancake.

Don't forget, it is Scottish - so you'll have to deep fry it too.