View Full Version : Borers and wood worm

Dinki Di
16th March 2012, 06:43 PM
Hello to all the wood workers
I used Naphthalene flakes to keep possums , carpet snakes , wood worm and borers out of my container and covered wood piles outside
Naphthalene is no longer allowed to be sold in Australia so what can we use in it’s place.
I can put up with the possums and carpet snakes but borers and wood worms will not be tolerated
Any help will be greatly appreciated.

Cheers Gaetano

dai sensei
16th March 2012, 09:27 PM
Dissolve some boron in water and spray on your timber will keep most bugs away.

18th March 2012, 08:47 AM
i work in a hardware store and yep the naphtalene flakes were taken off the shelf
but im sure i seen them back again , let me check monday at work and ill repost here my findings