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14th June 1999, 12:16 PM
G'day fellow woodies! There will be nothing technical in this bulletin - I am only introducing myself. I was first introduced to the joys and frustrations of woodturning in 1992, but it wasn't until I retired in 1995 from a lifetime of working with metals that I really started to learn something about it.I have been a member of Peninsula Woodturners Guild, meeting at Langwarrin (visit us at http://www.vicnet.net.au/~pwguild) since 1992 and also a member of Woodworkers Of Southern Peninsula meeting at Rosebud since 1996.
The main purpose of this bulletin is to say that in the first week of July my wife Betty and myself will be travelling the Newell and Leichhardt hwys to Biloela and Rockhampton. Later as far as Port Douglas then returning home via north eastern NSW to Newcastle and Dubbo to home in the first week in October.
I have a list of a number of clubs on the way but it is not often that arrival in these towns coincides with a meeting day; so if you are a woodie and live on this route I would love to hear from you so that I can extend the hand of friendship and brotherly love to you, and chew the fat for an hour or two.
If you think this is one sided I should point out that Betty is a member of the Country Women's Association, of long standing and weilds a mean embroidery needle and is skilled in many other crafts.
When replying please include the name of your home town and your phone number.
Best regards,

14th June 1999, 04:51 PM
Bob, I think that in the interests of privacy on the respondents that it may be better if they emailed you direct rather than through this medium.

Ian () Robertson
"We do good turns every day"

14th June 1999, 04:51 PM
Bob, I think that in the interests of privacy on the respondents that it may be better if they emailed you direct rather than through this medium.

Ian () Robertson
"We do good turns every day"

Neil Ellis
14th June 1999, 11:40 PM
Hi Bob

Have you got the latest Woodworkers Calendar & Sourcebook it has a listing of pretty well all the clubs for the areas you will be traveling in, along with contacts, meeting dates, etc. It would be a great asset on a trip like this.

Cheers, Neil http://ubb.ubeaut.com.au/ubb/smile.gif

[This message has been edited by ubeaut (edited 14 June 1999).]

23rd June 1999, 05:43 PM
Hi, Bob,
Good to hear your coming to Queensland.
My name is Allan Goodbun. As a keen woodturner and the Publicity Officer of the Townsville Area Woodturners Association I would like to extend to you and your wife an invitation to visit us in Townsville. We meet on the first Monday of each month. Other activities are on at the club (if you are yearning for turning or just want to chat with those of similar interest) on Thursday mornings, and Saturdays. The Townsville Show (lots of woodturning) will be on from 6-8 July if your in town at this time.
You can contact me by phone on 07 4721 2881 to make arrangements to visit the club.
This offer is open to anyone who may read this reply and interested in visiting us in Townsville.
Bob, my wife, like yours and many of our club members is also into embroidery, quilts, dolls, bears etc. We would be happy to meet with you to shaere ourr interests and maybe introduce your wife to those into needles and threads.
Look forward to hearing from you.
