View Full Version : Longworth Chuck

6th April 2012, 10:38 PM
Hi All

Thinking of having a crack at building a longworth chuck system. Has anyone built one
are there any tips and tricks. Do they work well I havent seen one in action. I got the plans online they seem to be indepth enough. So if anyone has any advice I would appreciate it.:cool:

6th April 2012, 11:10 PM
You'll find lots of mods you can make to the Longworths in older posts on the forum with a bit of searching . . . or . . You can check out my modifications to the ones I made on my website here. (http://www.ttit.id.au/gadgets/gadgets.htm#Longworth) :U

8th April 2012, 11:22 PM
Thanks TTIT I checked out some earlier chats thanks for the help.:2tsup: