View Full Version : Silky Oak

8th April 2012, 01:54 PM

I have been offered a silky oak tree that was cut down this year. The trunk is approximately 6 metres long and 14 inches in diameter. What is the best way to prepare the wood for turning? I thought of getting it cut into 6 foot lengths and painting the ends. I would then store it for a couple of years.

Any other suggestions? The best thing is that it is free!!!:D:D:D


8th April 2012, 03:35 PM
Any other suggestions?

Send it down to me :D

8th April 2012, 10:58 PM
Split it down the middle, debark it if you can, THEN seal the ends! If you leave it as a whole log it will crack any and everywhere. Expect to lose a bit of it to internal collapse - sometimes thick sections of Silky Oak, assuming we are talking about the grevillea variety, looks solid on the outside but will have voids from internal shrinkage.
Once you've done that, dissolve some Borax in very hot water and drown the whole thing liberally (watering can works fine) or you'll lose the lot to borers.
Just my way of treating it - more than one way to skin a log though :;

8th April 2012, 10:59 PM
Spilt it down the centre and remove the pith, this very important. Then cut into turning blanks and seal the end grain. Place them in a sheltered spot out of the sun and wind.

9th April 2012, 12:05 AM
Definitely take the pith out of it!:roll: