View Full Version : drill bit

19th June 2000, 10:12 PM
Am trying to purchase a 5/32 long series brad point drill. Can anyone help me with a supplier?

Am trying to drill pen blanks for turning that will accept standard Bic refills. Ordinary Jobber bits follow the grain and wander of center. If anyone can point me in the direction of a supplier that would be great. As I am in Tassie if the supplier has a web presence that would be a bonus. Many thanks.

19th June 2000, 11:34 PM
Beenatree Crafts (http://www.ubeaut.com.au/beena.html) - Cranbourne Vic 03 5998 2881 I am pretty sure they have a special P&N single fluted bit made for this application [email protected]

Neil http://ubb.ubeaut.com.au/ubb/smile.gif