View Full Version : Camphor Bowl

wood hacker
19th April 2012, 11:26 PM
Hi All

Knocked up this bowl a couple of weeks ago. The piece it came from didn't show a whole lot of colour on the outside but it was hiding some nice colour and patteren on the inside. I've turned a fair bit of camphour over the last couple of years but this one had the strongest smell I've ever experienced from it. My workshop is under our house but not directly linked to the upstairs area and it was so strong that SWMBO was complaining it was giving her a head ache upstairs. The piece had some voids revealed during turning (LHS of the photos) which were filled with resin tinted deep blue. The piece was sanded to 600 grit and finished with three coats of Feasts Scandinavian Oil. Size is approx 230mm x 80mm. At the risk of incuring SWMBO's wrath I've got another piece from the same source on the lathe at the moment and if anything it has a stronger smell. At leat it keeps the sinus' clear.


19th April 2012, 11:31 PM
Its got some good colour nice :2tsup:

19th April 2012, 11:32 PM
That's a beautiful bowl! I'd be extremely happy with that. I'm lucky, my wife loves the smell of it lol

Sawdust Maker
20th April 2012, 09:23 PM
noice :2tsup: