View Full Version : Viceroy bowl lathe

25th April 2012, 09:58 AM
What do we know about these lathes?

Tim the Timber Turner
25th April 2012, 11:02 AM
What do we know about these lathes?

They are painted Green???:?

old pete
25th April 2012, 12:44 PM
Hi Hughie,

I've got one of those but not exacly the same model.Mine is set up for bowl turning only and has two tables in the same format as the sanding table in your image ie no extension on the front table for a tail stock. I've seen another version somewhere I can't remember which had a bed and outboard support leg sufficient for spindle turning about 900mm length. The tables are heavy cast iron. The upper body is cast alloy and the base heavy steel sheet. There's two multi link belts in the transmission drive system. Speed change on the lower belt only with 4 speeds about 400 to 2400 rpm change over is easy and quick. Swing over table is 400mm on a good day if you have done your band sawing to the mm. You could remove the front table and using an outboard rest turn down to the floor in theory. I'm not seeing any demand for bowls much over 350 these days.

The original motor on mine was a 1HP Industrial Singer Sewing Machine motor. I had to replace that soon after I bought the machine. If you ever have to do that you find out how they construct the Viceroy. First you get the singer motor and you prop it on a low forked stick. Then you build the rest of the machine carefully around it. Then you walk away laughing after each machine you produce.Anyway I managed to shoehorn another new 1HP motor in there with great difficulty

The Viceroy was made in England in the 50's and 60's and apparently large numbers were set up in schools in the UK. The one I have was sitting in a Tassie. school where I was working and last used about 30 years before I bought it according to the school cleaner. I paid for it by the purchase of a Vicmarc 140 chuck for one of their other lathes. The spindle thread is 1 1/2" by 8TPI. I got an adaptor from Carrolls for my own Vicmarc chucks. For bowl turning the Viceroy is an absolutely great machine. It's heavy steady and vibration free.Needs to be bolted to the floor for out of balance work however. The front table format gives great in- bowl close quarters access for rests and tools. It's an absolute pleasure to turn on. Get it if you can. Judging by the protective shield on the front spindle nose on the example in your image I'd say it came from a school for sure. That usually means little work at all and no heavy work so should be in top condition.

Cheers Old Pete

25th April 2012, 12:59 PM
Hughie, more Lathe #### please!:2tsup:

25th April 2012, 01:33 PM
What do we know about these lathes?

Here is something:

Page Title (http://www.lathes.co.uk/viceroy/page2.html)

25th April 2012, 04:17 PM
What do we know about these lathes?

Nothing but as soon as you have it we can all come over and check it out and fill you in:U

Pat can bring his biggest burl

25th April 2012, 07:04 PM
1. You don't have room in your shed
2. Your wife may just kick your ass of you come home with another lathe

4. But I do:2tsup:
5. Mine won't :q

26th April 2012, 01:31 AM
That looks great. Be darn heavy I rekon. They still avail????

26th April 2012, 06:32 AM
Hughie, The Viceroy is an English lathe in the same vein as the Union Graduate. The company that built it is Denford.

The most common one available id the 'Viceroy Educator'. They come in various types from the Bowl model you show, then with differing length beds for spindle turning.

They are not still made (to my knowledge) but come up regularly on the UK ebay site.

26th April 2012, 09:26 AM
1. You don't have room in your shed >>>> ou don't have a shed your dad does :p
2. Your wife may just kick your ass of you come home with another lathe

4. But I do:2tsup: >>>> see above :q
5. Mine won't :q Your not married but your dad might :U

So you've sold the Nova already and the Woodfast, benches dusty timber.:roll:

26th April 2012, 03:07 PM
Both versions are on ebay at the moment, don't know how to post a link:-

26th April 2012, 03:36 PM
So you've sold the Nova already and the Woodfast, benches dusty timber.:roll:

No still have the nova and wood fast but
Mate has a shipping container for a work shop :U

26th April 2012, 06:45 PM
Both versions are on ebay at the moment, don't know how to post a link:-

wood turning lathe | eBay (http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/wood-turning-lathe-/170828910026?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_15&hash=item27c6324dca)

eBay Australia: Buy new & used fashion, electronics & home d (http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/Wood-turning-lathe-/170828914031?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_15&hash=item27c6325d6f)

Saw these yesterday. Not far from home but both 3 phase.