View Full Version : Dowel grain direction

29th April 2012, 11:05 PM
I have a trim piece of timber made of kauri pine, it is screwed every 300mm on the side of my boat I'm restoring. At present, it is fixed with stainless screws and filled with a water based wood filler. I would like like to recess the screws in a bit more and plug the 8 mm holes with dowel. Can I get dowel that has grain running sideways so when I sand the dowels flat they will look right? Where around Melbourne would I find it?

29th April 2012, 11:26 PM
I'm guessing you'll need to cut your own.
Aldi had plug cutters a little while ago.
Or maybe those side grain wooden buttons for furnutire and sand the button down (off).
Or paint them so they look like metal rivets.

30th April 2012, 10:57 AM
You can get sets of plug cutters pretty cheaply which might be good enough for the job. Just check with hardware stores or on ebay.