View Full Version : Oils aint Oils, Sol

Grahame Collins
6th May 2012, 12:47 PM
To use an appropriate engineering term there has been a bit of a cross threading going on here.
My last thread started life talking about the application of OIL of Wintergreen -AKA Methyl Salycitate liniment known to old time footy players.

The Methyl Sal worked for me in unfreezing corroded threads on the mast mounted spotlight case at the back of the house.

Somewhere along the line I did unintentionally manage to let it infuse with the earlier ACETONE /ATF( Now Power Steering Fluid ) MIXTURE THREAD.

Unbeknown to me at the time I had been using a container of old power steering fluid (thinking it was ATF ( its red and I tipped it in without paying too much attention to the label).

The outcome was that many who googled the same as I did ,found out old time ATF WORKS (SPERM WHALE OIL) and the new ATF fluid is incompatible with acetone. - sorry !!!
The search for a effective preservative,anti corrosion spray on and frozen thread penetrator still remains a an interest for me.

Suitably chastened as shall research a bit deeper next time, before hitting the keyboard.

My apologies to anyone disadvantaged by my incorrect statement.
