View Full Version : Queer Eye

simon c
24th February 2005, 01:24 PM
Did anybody see Aussie Queer Eye last night? I thought not.

Anyway, they "made over" this hairy greek guy, who runs his father's fish business - but had always wanted to "work with his timber" as romantically refered to woodworking. He had apprenticed as a carpenter but his father convinced him to come into the family fish business. He had a grandfather clock that he made when he just left school that was very impressive.

They did a good job of getting rid of his hair and giving him new clothes and took him to see a wooden furniture studio (a bit fancy) from a bloke called Nick Rodgers(?) to fire his passion.

Then they gave give every woodworking tool you could imagine and they were all Festool - it must have cost a bomb.

It all ended with him giving a speech in front of the family and telling his father that business is just buisness and they should spend more time with their family and their passions (ie his timber).

I quite enjoyed it.

24th February 2005, 02:32 PM
Hey Zed, you missed a golden opportunity mate. I'll bet you could end up looking better than a hairy greek guy. :D

24th February 2005, 02:34 PM
Did anybody see Aussie Queer Eye last night? I thought not.

You got that right. ;)

Maybe he could use this link http://www.woodworkersjournal.com/ezine/interview.cfm

The Festool tools were probably contra.

Kev Y.
24th February 2005, 02:38 PM
Did anybody see Aussie Queer Eye last night? I thought not.

Not me.. I was too busy baking a cake, painting my nails and washing my hair!!!! :p

24th February 2005, 03:14 PM
Here Kev, should keep you amused for hours :D :D :rolleyes:


Apologies to anyone offended by the nature of the pictures :p

Kev Y.
24th February 2005, 03:53 PM
yuck, yuck, yuck ,yuck, yuck.. very funny Iain :D :D :D

24th February 2005, 04:30 PM
It's a policy of mine to NOT watch any show with 'Queer' in the title. Testosterone, dontcha know...

24th February 2005, 06:02 PM
I reckon that you are ready to "come out" yerself after admitting to us testosterone laden woodworkin' blokes that you watch them poofy shows...... You are the sort of woody ( I use that term carefully!) who gives us Blokes a bad name cos' you're always in the "Shop" knocking up(?) a new closet! Strewth! You'll be calling your "Shop" a bloody "STUDIO" soon! (Oops, sorry Midgester)

24th February 2005, 06:25 PM
I reckon that you are ready to "come out" yerself after admitting to us testosterone laden woodworkin' blokes that you watch them poofy shows...... You are the sort of woody ( I use that term carefully!) who gives us Blokes a bad name cos' you're always in the "Shop" knocking up(?) a new closet! Strewth! You'll be calling your "Shop" a bloody "STUDIO" soon! (Oops, sorry Midgester)Says he, who posted a poll, With the grain, or against the grain.
I meen, sthweety, darling http://instagiber.net/smiliesdotcom/contrib/lynx/whitkiss.gif

Al http://instagiber.net/smiliesdotcom/contrib/lynx/whitkiss.gif

24th February 2005, 06:34 PM
You'll be calling your "Shop" a bloody "STUDIO" soon! (Oops, sorry Midgester)

NO pwoblems Chwissy!

Actually, me Studio is a studio but me "shop" is more of a hobby womb!


P :D

24th February 2005, 06:50 PM
Studios etc remind me of my fathers wife, no, she's not my mother but this stupid woman calls their garage a bloody studio just because she stuck some carpet on the floor, and the unit she used to live in was a cottage, jeez, what a load of bull:eek: :eek: :eek:

24th February 2005, 06:53 PM
jeez, what a load of bull:eek: :eek: :eek:
Go on, admit it, you love it. :D

Al :eek:

24th February 2005, 07:39 PM
jeez, what a load of bull:eek: :eek: :eek:

Oh...alright then.... my studio is actually a library which is connected via a gallery to the office which I use as a studio.

:D :D :D

24th February 2005, 09:43 PM
Oh...alright then.... my studio is actually a library which is connected via a gallery to the office which I use as a studio.

:D :D :D

Gee. I stagger out the back door, across the unmown lawn to the shed, open the padlock that closes the chain that I have fed through a rough punched hole in the wall of the shed, then behind the sheet of iron coming off the door of the shed, I then try to drag the door open, making sure it doesn't come off its runners (again), before winding my way past the old table, the half built boat and the pile of old timber to the dark corner where hides the light switches. At least the lights now work.
Doncha love rental properties :D


24th February 2005, 11:21 PM
Oh Daddles dear, stop complaaayyyyning sweety and blow us all a kiss! ;)

24th February 2005, 11:36 PM
Oh Daddles dear, stop complaaayyyyning sweety and blow us all a kiss! ;)

Hah, you scurrilous, cuddly cur. I now be in need of cuddles and close contact. I won't be entering a boat at Goolwa and so would like to squeeze into your lovely craft with you. I don't mind having to sit on your lap ... if you insist. :o


Kev Y.
25th February 2005, 10:08 AM
OK all you closet flower arrangers!!! a minutes silence please.. bow your heads, I have just read that due to the popularity of your favorite show, and because they attempted to make over a greek hairball,


axed.. finally something to do with WOODWORK

25th February 2005, 12:09 PM
And here's me never having seen the show. You get me all excited over it, then tell me it has been AXED :mad: .

25th February 2005, 01:22 PM
Bob the builder is more credible, apart from his talking implements, at least he talks to them other strange creatures..........................feminiles :D

R. McCarthy
1st March 2005, 08:25 PM
It's a policy of mine to NOT watch any show with 'Queer' in the title. Testosterone, dontcha know...

Hear, hear !!

Kev-in Melb
6th March 2005, 01:26 PM
Well I think it’s time for a slant on this theme.

How about a show called “Straight eye for a Queer Guy”

You would get a load of aussie blokes, preferably tradies to go round to some unfortunate Gay guys house (or apartment) give him a mullet cut, kit him out in a Singlet, shorts and a pair of thongs. Introduce him to the art of drinking a slab of VB, noise picking, farting and **** scratching. Mess up his house and take him to a game of aussie rules.

I think this would make great viewing!!!

6th March 2005, 03:00 PM
But Aussie Rules is for fairies! don't blokes only go to see the tight little shorts :rolleyes:

6th March 2005, 03:17 PM
But Aussie Rules is for fairies! don't blokes only go to see the tight little shorts

They stopped wearing tight shorts 20 years ago. Keep up. :D

6th March 2005, 03:19 PM
Which is proof positive that I am not gay :D :D :D

Kev Y.
6th March 2005, 04:34 PM
Which is proof positive that I am not gay :D :D :D

what!!!! your gay!!!

oh sorry you said your GAME.... :D :D

6th March 2005, 05:55 PM
le poof, le f* off!

6th March 2005, 06:00 PM
Wouldnt it be "la", instead of "le"?

I thought "le" was feminine.??

La aL :D

7th March 2005, 12:09 AM
Other way around Al.

Le is masculine as in Le Homme which is done as L'homme.

La is feminine as in La femme.

7th March 2005, 01:12 PM
But Aussie Rules is for fairies! don't blokes only go to see the tight little shorts :rolleyes:

Their shorts may not be as short as they used to be but they are still pretty short.

Am I the only one who has noticed the number of times that players, coaches, umpires, water bottle carriers ( or in other words everyone who goes out on the field ) slap each others bottoms ( in a friendly sort of way ), even members of opposing teams do it to each other when they go round at the end of a match.

Being an AFL player must rate as one of the very few jobs where touching someone else's backside in public doesn't result in a sexual harassment suit.

Admittedly AFL is about the only sport I ever watch ( those short shorts and sleeveless guernseys :-) ) but surely so much backside caressing isn't done in other codes ?

7th March 2005, 01:40 PM
personally i fond those shows a bit sad and horrifying, mainly cos my wife likes and them and goes ' now theres a good idea ' ...mmmmm

what about 'straight slob for a queer ass snob....' us hetro, woody bloke overals, nerdy types, who teach gays how to actually fix and make things, be loyal upstanding contributive people and not wear deoderant, perfurme, designer clothes or have trendy decor, or just not giove rats about how e look but generally be useful and get on with things...

now theres an idea....

simon c
7th March 2005, 01:59 PM
but surely so much backside caressing isn't done in other codes ?

I seem to remeber the NRL having an issue with backside "caressing".

7th March 2005, 03:43 PM
:D :D :D :D I seem to recall that, rectal inspection without rubber glove, it was the Kiwi's too wasn't it?

7th March 2005, 05:51 PM
Admittedly AFL is about the only sport I ever watch ( those short shorts and sleeveless guernseys :-) ) but surely so much backside caressing isn't done in other codes ?

There seems to be a bit of bum-patting in cricket these days - bit of a worry :eek:

Kev-in Melb
12th March 2005, 11:44 AM
All fun aside and now on a serious note, with out trying to generalize too much.

I wish more of my customer were gay, they tend to have good tastes, an eye for good quality and don’t mind spending the money for it……….no “ now what’s your best price mate”

Oh yeah…...

Aussie rules, silly game, don’t understand why you should get a point for nearly getting a goal.

Trash TV, can’t stand it, need more shows like The New Yankee Workshop and The Great British Workshop, I think that’s what it’s called...(Thursday nights 9.30, Lifestyles, for those who have cable)
