View Full Version : PPE for wood turners

18th May 2012, 05:44 PM
Hi all after I got back from Robbos, I have a mind full of idears and lots to think about
and seiing everyone in one place at one time at U turn got me thinking a little about turning in cluds and at home in the workshop

Now sometimes I dont seam it but I am some what of a safety nut
not so much when its me on my own in the shop its more so when im around others turning.

It got me thinking about Personal protective equipment (PPE)
for woodturners and what we use and how meny of us use it at home when there is knowone makeing use?
and in a club or group what do you have to use??

myself in the shop I have
face mask
dust musk
just started turning in work boots

I know people that yurn in gloves but im not 100% on that one:roll:

so what about you?
what you got ?
how do you fell about PPE?

18th May 2012, 06:53 PM
For the most part PPE is common sense, trouble is common senses has become rare.

For me dust is a major consideration and the other risks cascade down from there.
I dont wear boots and do use half gloves on my left hand especially with hardwoods.

Currently I have a dual filter dust mask in lieu of setting up my dust collector and my face mask will fit over it ok.

18th May 2012, 07:08 PM
so what about you?
what you got ?
how do you fell about PPE?

Even though I have several, including the Triton full face air shield, I only wear face masks when I really cover myself with dust such as in roughing blanks or rip sawing long pieces of stuff. For other stuff I use a full face shield and use a 3HP dust extractor that vents outside my shed which I leave on for 10 - 20 minutes after last dust making activity. I also have a hospital grade room air filter that I can put on to further scrub the air if I need it.

My worst problem at the moment is welding fume dust that covers everything with a grey coating. To cope with this I am installing a fume hood and extractor fan above my welding bench. I'll be posting a WIP in my Shed fit-out thread in the SHED forum

thumb trimmer
18th May 2012, 10:33 PM
Hi Dave.

I use a face shield at all times.
A dust mask when sanding (unless the timber is particularly 'dusty', in which case I'll wear the mask also when turning)
I wear a glove on my left hand only when turning, but i typically remove it when sanding.
I wear a short sleeve turning smock.
(Enclosed) shoes at all times, although not boots.

Although not PPE, I've just recently set up a new hood and some ducting in the workshop for the dust extractor ... which I think I bought from you a while a go.

Comes with working in OHS ... I mean 'WHS' in the construction industry, and from SWMBO having said (way too many times) "you ought to know better" :B


18th May 2012, 10:37 PM
Do my duct tape covered thongs count?

KBs PensNmore
19th May 2012, 01:01 AM
Don't know if this counts as PPE but I use a dust extractor, Trend Airshield and a turning jacket. In the warmer weather, I turn Barefoot (my feet swell a lot in heat) and slippers for the cool times, :D

19th May 2012, 08:54 AM
Don't know if this counts as PPE but I use a dust extractor, Trend Airshield and a turning jacket. In the warmer weather, I turn Barefoot (my feet swell a lot in heat) and slippers for the cool times, :D

Haven't dropped a skew point down on your foot yet, eh?