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19th May 2012, 09:33 PM
Beyond hitting things with a hammer, I have no experience in metalwork.

I'm wanting to cut heavy duty steel (~2mm thick) to achieve a similar pattern to this:


Your thoughts on what tools and techniques to use are appreciated.

Michael G
20th May 2012, 10:30 AM
To make something like that by hand in 2mm thick material will take a lot of effort and time. My suggestions would be to either find someone with a CNC mill and get them to do most of it so that you only need to take out the corners with a file, or try to come up with an alternative (wire mesh for example)

20th May 2012, 10:38 AM
Another alternative would be to get them cut with a laser that a lot of steel merchants have these days. You'd have to do a drawing on the computer in a format they can use such as Autocad to save on drafting fees.

20th May 2012, 11:06 AM
If those shapes could be circular holes then a dimple drill press would do the job. The layout could be in the same spiral shape and it would look similar.

Dave J
20th May 2012, 01:40 PM
If it's only a one off and you really want to do it yourself, a drill to remove what you can, a jig saw with metal cutting blades to cut the shape, and some files to finish up. I think it would take around 1 1 1/2 hours to do neatly.
When using the jig saw use some clean oil on the blade while your cutting to keep it cool and lubricated, they will last a lot longer that way.


20th May 2012, 02:03 PM
I work for a laser cutter in Dandenong.... our minimum charge is $100 plus GST. This might sound expensive for 1 item, but if you had twenty cut it would (at a guess) still cost $100 plus GST. If you had other stuff to cut from the same material you could make a 'nest', call it one CAD file, and it would still cost the same (providing it's not too big).

That $100 covers material, cutting and programming. What is your time worth?

Other laser cutters may be cheaper, and others won't do small quantities, so it is best to make a few phone calls.

Greg Q
20th May 2012, 08:15 PM
Beyond hitting things with a hammer, I have no experience in metalwork.

I'm wanting to cut heavy duty steel (~2mm thick) to achieve a similar pattern to this:


Your thoughts on what tools and techniques to use are appreciated.

Get a used computer case and cut the fan grille from the back panel. Free.


20th May 2012, 10:36 PM
To do it the old fashioned way you will need:
Texta to allow marking out on steel sheet.
Centre punch.
Spring calipers.
Pedestal drill and drill bits.
Selection of appropriate files.
Emery cloth.
Dremel moto tool would help too.

Mark out pattern on sheet then centre punch around waste area of pattern to allow drilling close to edge around all areas to removed whilst overlapping drill holes to remove waste area.
File and deburr all areas to marked lines.
Good luck.

20th May 2012, 10:56 PM
Jigsaw and a file 2mm is not that heavy