View Full Version : Solid Wood Stand for your glasses

1st June 2012, 05:25 PM

My husband and I came up with a great idea of making a design driven hardwood stand for glasses. If you're a multiple sunglasses/glasses owners...where do you keep them all?

It's up on kickstarter now:

I'd love to get some feedback from you so let me know your thoughts.

1st June 2012, 05:54 PM
If it was me, I'd want some way to make sure dust didn't settle on the glasses, and yet still be easy for them to be removed.

4th June 2012, 05:51 PM
Thanks for the great feedback.

We considered putting a cover on the stand but decided it took away from the design. From our research, most people have a soft sleeve or pouch for their glasses. This does a great job of protecting the glasses from dust.

Thanks for your support.