View Full Version : Doh !! Bit of a stuff up

Da bunny lover
7th June 2012, 01:02 PM
So i built the underwing storage draws/ second assembly table/place to stack stuff waiting to be cut.
Plan was for somewhere to store tablesaw stuff when not in use, The kreg, other jigs , delta tenon jig, fratherboards and so on...but at the same time make a cabinet that would roll out for use as somewhere to stack timber that i was batch cutting...then may as well make it a torsion box top so it could be an extra assembly table when needed...worked out the most height i could get as well as width...depth could have been a bit deeper had a extra 100mm....no...dont need it that deep....stuff will just get to the back of the draw and it will be a pain to reach....
putting the stuff in and um well the pic says it all.......thinking i sort of stuffed it up a bit with the depth...hmm more space for other stuff.....and an exciting new project added to the list somewhere to store the kreg......Think ive had that idea before:B

Da bunny lover
7th June 2012, 01:11 PM
I should say it will fit if its taken apart into 2 bits , and no real drama...just a pain when i overlooked a simple thing like that:((

7th June 2012, 01:46 PM
The Stuff-up Fairies are always hovering around when you least expect it. :console:

Ball Peen
7th June 2012, 04:39 PM
The Stuff-up Fairies are always hovering around when you least expect it. :console:

Keeps me humble and thinking about my fingers.

7th June 2012, 04:52 PM

How much space is there between the back of the draw and the rear of the chest?
Could you make the draw a little bit deeper or cut some slots or grooves for the jig? Could you hang it on the side of the cabinet?

These things happen. It is not the end of the world, just shows that you are human.

Da bunny lover
7th June 2012, 05:29 PM

How much space is there between the back of the draw and the rear of the chest?
Could you make the draw a little bit deeper or cut some slots or grooves for the jig? Could you hang it on the side of the cabinet?

These things happen. It is not the end of the world, just shows that you are human.
Thats it rub it in:(( did a measure and if i did redo the draw it would be wait for it ...5mm out.Not too worried it only takes a few seconds to slid it apart , and same to put it back together. Everything else fits anyway. I worked out where i stuffed up the depth of the cabinet was ment to be the depth of the draws....the sort of thing that happens when you only make a rough drawing and then are listening to the History channel while working.
I found the gap between the draws was out too......it was only when i looked at the packets i noticed a different number on the slides (id had them laying for years after getting a bunch at a auction)only 2mm difference very hard to pick until fitted to the draw and then the draw in place...

7th June 2012, 05:33 PM
The bottom drawer looks deeper than the others. Can't it fit on the angle in there?


7th June 2012, 06:20 PM
I guess we are all looking at this as a learning exercise. :doh:

7th June 2012, 06:28 PM
That's were they have gone!:2tsup:

Happens to all of us from time to time. It's how you react and adapt the error to make it a feature, that is the learning experience.:U

Da bunny lover
7th June 2012, 07:07 PM
The bottom drawer looks deeper than the others. Can't it fit on the angle in there?

Nah the delta tenon jig and some chunky jigs are in there, it now resides in the middle draw