View Full Version : round box ? well allmost

2nd July 2012, 09:02 PM
hi guys,
everyone seems to be making round balls,eggs on sticks
and round boxes,so i thought i would have a go at a project
i have had in the back of my mind for a while now,
started off ok but it soon went pear shape [pun intended]:bawl:
oh well!!!!!!!!!!! back to the drawing board:~:~any suggestions
advice and /or help greatly appreciated:doh:
cheers smiife:2tsup:

2nd July 2012, 09:54 PM
Ok so where's the pear shape??

I see nothing thats stopping you from continuing other than the tenons broke.

So you have a set of jaws that can hold the other side? If not Gary Pye has a set of nice Cole jaws (http://www.garypye.com/Chucks/GPW-Generation-3-Collet-and-Longworth-Chucks/8-Flat-Jaws-p706.html)or make a Jam Chuck (http://www.highlandwoodworking.com/woodnews/2008september/jamchuck.html) turn the tenon again maybe even fit a new tenon temporary of course. Have a read of this (http://turningwood.blogspot.com.au/2009/03/special-easter-project.html) it may help.

More to come I feel TTIT Vern I hope chimes in he has an excellent jig also. Found it his egg jig chuck (http://www.ttit.id.au/eggpage/eggmain.htm#chuck) ok this is smaller but you'll soon get it.

3rd July 2012, 09:32 AM
Looks like your grain orientation might be crook but it's hard to tell from the pics. If the grain isn't in line with the bed of the lathe you will need to keep the spigots a lot thicker.
On a box like that where you are going to use a hinge\clasp thingy, it's very easy to remount the hollowed sections on standard jaws or a jam chuck so it's no problem removing larger spigots later.:;

Not over yet though - A deep jam chuck would hold them to finish the hollowing and you could just reverse them in the same chuck to turn the spigot away afterwards.:2tsup:

3rd July 2012, 08:33 PM
hi guys,
thanks for your ideas,i like the [egg jig thingy],
i had just started to hollow out the centre when
the spigot snapped off................. twice:~
so i had not got to the stage where i could turn them
around and finish the bottom and top off,
also like mentioned the spigot was a bit thin and grain
running the wrong way
so i have started again,i always seem to have a tested run
with things so i can iron out the problems first of all ,and
learn from the mistakes i make ,which seem to be most
of the times:U:U
will post on round box mark 2 soon
thanks again for your input guys much appreciated
cheers smiife:2tsup: