View Full Version : white patches after waxing

5th July 2012, 02:44 PM
Hi all,

I have just finished a kitchen cabinet. I oiled it (china wood oil which is now rebranded as kitchen wood oil) 2 weeks ago, waited 10 days before waxing it. Same as I did on a previous cabinet 2 years ago.
I have noticed recently that I have now white patches of wax coming out.
a bit like if there was excess wax that coming out.
any idea why? I did not do anything special this time.
Any idea on how to fix this?
I could use a cloth and buff it quite hard and it would eventually be gone.
But that's going to be a long task since I would need to rub hard to get rid of it.

5th July 2012, 10:04 PM
sounds more like oil under the wax, some grain absorbs more than other areas , and then with a warmer day will come to the surface.


6th July 2012, 12:55 PM
what should I do? should I wait for the cabinet to get used to the kitchen environment so that all the grains come out before buffing the cabinet?

6th July 2012, 08:03 PM
you can try stripping the wax off with some solvent than place the cabinet in a warm environment,after the solvent has evaporated , leave it for a couple of days, , wipe over to clean off any oil seeping from the timber.

then while the timber is warm , coat with your wax allow to cool and buff.

This should fix the problem, but I cannot grantee that it will.
