View Full Version : Hornibrook Bridge

17th July 2012, 01:24 PM
Wondering if any body can point me in the direction of some Hornibrook Bridge timber.

Have a client who's house over looks Moreton Bay and has views of where the bridge used to be. He wants a table 2.8mx1m made from this timber. I contacted Moreton Bay Shire council but they are not selling any of what they have to people, only community groups and societies.

I have included some quick designs to give an idea.

Thanks in advance:)

17th July 2012, 10:40 PM
Archtectural hardwoods in Kempsey has the rest it will not be cheap ,they re mill the old griders and have klins and planers ,Sam is the man

20th July 2012, 10:58 PM
Tonight's Bris ch9 news ran a story on recycled timbers and hornibrook bridge timbers.

Kennedy's (at Narangba ?) have some. Interesting thing is their website makes no specific mention of this but I imagine it will attract a premium price.

21st July 2012, 10:20 AM
Tonight's Bris ch9 news ran a story on recycled timbers and hornibrook bridge timbers.

Kennedy's (at Narangba ?) have some. Interesting thing is their website makes no specific mention of this but I imagine it will attract a premium price.

missed the show but have a look at his web site in his news letters he condemed the supply of timber from the hornibrook bridge as contaminated and should not be used(sour grapes because some one else was getting it) . Now he would like to sell it?

30th July 2012, 09:04 PM
I know Roy Miller Wildwood were stocking it for a project we quoted flooring was over $200+gst psm so yes it is very expensive but in small amounts like a table still doable.

13th August 2012, 07:48 PM
Thanks for all the replies. Basically, Australian Architectural Hardwoods and/or Kennedy's are the place to go.

Wild Wood Flooring at Milton source from AAH. The company that demolished the bridge "Ironbark Demolition" has told me that AAH and I quote direct from email

"The sawmill is located in NSW and specialize in recycled hardwoods. They are the only sawmill that received the timber from the Hornibrook"

Kennedy's assures me they can provide a "Chain of Custody Certificate" for this timber.

So that is where it stands at the moment.

13th August 2012, 09:12 PM
how long was it pulled down we have had a lot of tallowood out of AAH in last 18 months,

flooring was about 120m2 for 240wide nice stuff good lengths also got 65mm thick stair treads.

i would trust AAH not other guy mentioned as they are know for supply resawn timber that is free of bolt holes, and defects not sure how that works

2nd October 2012, 08:19 PM
<style type="text/css"> <!-- @page { margin: 2cm } P { margin-bottom: 0.21cm } A:link { so-language: zxx } --> </style>I went with Kennedys, the timber looks great.

3rd October 2012, 10:47 PM
It's good to know Kennedy's sell small quantities, they are handy to me