View Full Version : Cynicism, Irony or Sarcasm??

10th March 2005, 06:24 PM

Having just been quite fairly accused of sarcasm, when all I was trying to aspire to was biting cynicism combined with pithy irony, I began to wonder just what sarcasm is, and where is the invisible line that one must cross to finally master the lowest form of wit?

It seems easier to achieve the lofty heights of a sarcastic response when dealing with persons from countries to the north-east rather than than the north-west, and I wonder if that's because the nature of the posts makes a response APPEAR sarcastic, when really it is quite innocuous?

I really think, it is the duty of EVERY poster to frame an original post in such a manner that a response will be interpreted as clever, witty and ironic.

Perhaps we should make it clear that unless the :rolleyes: emoticon is present, resemblance to any sarcasm is purely co-incidental!

It is the posers of the question who must be made accountable, not the innocent and helpful respondant!!


P (Near the end of a long, long week!)
:D :D :D

10th March 2005, 06:31 PM
Hear hear old chap.

Not once have I found your posts to be sarcastic, boring, long winded peices of codswolop, but never sarcastic.
Although I do seem to recall an answer you gave to one of my many, many most serious and valued questions last year, was almost bordering on the sarcastic.

Al ;)

10th March 2005, 07:06 PM
Having just been quite fairly accused of sarcasm, when all I was trying to aspire to was biting cynicism combined with pithy irony, I began to wonder just what sarcasm is, and where is the invisible line that one must cross to finally master the lowest form of wit?

Midge, I hope you were not accused because of your reply to my post on " Was justice done " for I quite enjoyed yours and Silent C remarks.

I really think, it is the duty of EVERY poster to frame an original post in such a manner that a response will be interpreted as clever, witty and ironic.................It is the posers of the question who must be made accountable, not the innocent and helpful respondant!!

See the above, if so I apologize and promise to try better next time. :D :D :D


10th March 2005, 07:19 PM

No, but thanks for feeling guilty!!
:D :D :D :D :D :D :D


10th March 2005, 07:21 PM
Sturdee, it was a Seppo.....

Al :)

10th March 2005, 07:33 PM
Sturdee, it was a Seppo.....

Al :)

Typical, so he probably voted for Bush as well. :p :p :p :p


10th March 2005, 08:30 PM
sarcastic reply Midge : "I hope you get better Mate"

realistic / bloke response : "what you been smokin boy ?"

10th March 2005, 09:22 PM
sarcastic reply Midge : "I hope you get better Mate"

Ironic response:

Saaay.... you furry guys aren't so bad after all.



Cliff Rogers
10th March 2005, 11:50 PM
smokin', I've had a few like that... they want to know what I'm drinking, eating (mushies if I remember one of your comments) or what I'm on.

...... mostly red or old.... :rolleyes:

11th March 2005, 08:10 AM
Great thread, Midge.

11th March 2005, 08:53 AM
I do enjoy a good stoush! :rolleyes:

11th March 2005, 09:30 AM
smokin', I've had a few like that... they want to know what I'm drinking, eating (mushies if I remember one of your comments) or what I'm on.

...... mostly red or old.... :rolleyes:
Surely one can't construe sarcasm out of a simple enquiry regarding one's habits gastronomic?

(Unless there's a big cheesy grin smiley at the end of the post!)

11th March 2005, 09:34 AM
Responses are often misconstrued and I for one do not tolerate fools gladly, besides, sarcasm is an art form :D

11th March 2005, 10:07 AM
who was it that said to the King ; "your majesty is like a stream of bats p1ss in the night" by which he meant "You stand out like a beacon of light whenst all around you is dark" Now thats both funny, sarcastic and (I feel) ironic! (being a republican and all...)

11th March 2005, 10:15 AM
Midge, or as you will now be known, little grasshopper,

Cynisism is an emotion, like joy, or sorrow. Like joy or sorrow the means of expressing your emotions are all important. It is most common umongst the novice cynic to express these feelings in terms of derision or outright rejection, Clasic terms like the ageless 'what a load of crap' and 'gees your a wanker' leap quickly to mind.

While terms of derision and rejection hold a measure of empowerment and the instant gratification of the look on your targets face, it is fleeting, and you risk becoming the object of derision yourself.

The skill of the true, cynic is to
Firstly: couch their cynisism in term of sarcasm so sharp the target, like a paper cut, doen't know he has been hit until he feels the sting.
Secondly: Only cut at the back of the neck, and as low as possable.This means that to draw attention to the cut the target only draws attention to how far they where sticking their neck out, all witnessing the cut are forced to observe the extent to which the target overextended.

It is important in doing this not to overextend yourself, in the hope of drawing out your target, as you may fall victim to another cynic.

Remeber these sage words - 'give them enough rope, then televise the results'

May the wit be with you.

11th March 2005, 10:44 AM
Midge my son,

“What you don want dun to yourself. Don do to others.”


11th March 2005, 10:53 AM
Wongo and Dave,
I will sleep easier at nights knowing I have not one, but TWO great masters to whom I can turn for help when things trouble me.

(Did that sound sarcstic, or was it as it was meant, a heartfelt, greatful and kind response???) OH NO!!! Now I think my question may have sarcastic overtones. :eek:

Midge my son,

“What you don want dun to yourself. Don do to others.”


Wongo, sage advice indeed.... I guess I don't have to change after all!
:D :D :D



11th March 2005, 11:00 AM
Don't listen Midge. Don't listen. Just say what you think and never hesitate to stick it up 'em :D


Cliff Rogers
11th March 2005, 12:04 PM
Surely one can't construe sarcasm out of a simple enquiry regarding one's habits gastronomic?

(Unless there's a big cheesy grin smiley at the end of the post!)
Depends on the context doesn't it? ;)

11th March 2005, 06:15 PM
Check this out.


Cliff Rogers
11th March 2005, 09:30 PM
I read the list of 'reasons' for being there, had a laugh, looked at the SIZE of the rest of it & came back here.... :D

12th March 2005, 05:02 PM

Please get off this downer on whether you are a sarcastic person or not - you're makin me depressed :(

Besides those of us who know a little about you know that you are way below the lowest form of wit :D :D :D :D :D

So ignore them that think they know better :p

15th March 2005, 02:26 PM
BUGGER!!! I go away for a few days and you pack of social misfits start a stoush without me!!!!

15th March 2005, 02:33 PM
BUGGER indeed!!

YOU went to GOOLWA without ME!!!!

Just you wait till 2007!!!

Did you have a good time?? :D


15th March 2005, 03:25 PM
Yeah the basstard. He loaded R&R up with kids and tried to run it under the transom of Oscar W. Only the hysterical screaming of the adult in the bow saved the day :D


15th March 2005, 04:06 PM
Yeah the basstard. He loaded R&R up with kids and tried to run it under the transom of Oscar W. Only the hysterical screaming of the adult in the bow saved the day :D

Er Richard, dare we ask who the hysterical screamer was? Anyone we know? :D

15th March 2005, 04:36 PM
As forrard hands go Richard "Ballast" Spurling makes a good ships girl! Squealed like a sheila when it looked as though the mighty R&R was going to sink that nasty old Oscar W. The kids were perfectly fine till I suggested that Dad was a sheila and they suddenly became somewhat mutinous! ;)

Goolwa was a total HOOOT! :D :D :D We had a ball, R&R carted bods from all over. Notably a couple of rawther naice females..... The boats were luvverlee. the weather was kind, the orfully faine waine was consumed in copious quantities, but never "aboard". James Morrison tootled his flute in most estimable manner and generally all was wonderful. One old coot got a bit stroppy with myself and a couple of others and when he spat the cockle and "sped" off in his putt-putt his outboard auxiliary dropped of his transom and into the murky depths. MUCH to the amusement of all bystanders! In the last parade of the festival one young fella skippered his flybridge cruiser from the flybridge and also in the altogether, fun... and much appreciated by my 1st mate! :eek:

15th March 2005, 06:28 PM
T'was upon the good ship venus
Oh bugger it, you know what I mean :D :D :D
I've heard that Christopper tacks and gybes all the way home after a couple of bottles of Penola's finest, even the 'odd heave to' :D :D