View Full Version : Cutting an isosceles triangle

15th August 2012, 08:40 PM
What is the best way of cutting across the diagonal of a 450 x 450mm MDF board on a table saw to get two isosceles triangles with 45 degrees base angles?

Doesn't have to be a table saw :)

15th August 2012, 09:18 PM
My sliding table can fit just over 600mm in front of the blade so if it fits that's what I'd use. Otherwise I'd use a ripping jig and a circular saw.

15th August 2012, 11:15 PM
Mark your line, cut on bandsaw then joint the cut edges.

15th August 2012, 11:25 PM
Mark your line, cut on bandsaw then joint the cut edges.
Definitely the easiest unless you have a panel saw or a BIG T/s.
Draw it, bandsaw it, plane to the lines.

16th August 2012, 12:35 AM
Personally, I'd bandsaw/ jigsaw almost to a drawn line and sand on a backing block. I'm not good with planes. :D

You could also use a router table, a flush trim bit and a bandsaw/ jigsaw. Draw the triangle on the timber usins an edge as a face and then roughly saw the piece out. Lie a straight piece of timber on a drawn edge and attach with hot melt glue or 2 sided tape and rout the edge. Make the straight piece long and wide enough and you should keep you fingers out of harms way. Do the same with the other edge. The trouble with this method is that you could lose a corner of the triangle if you aren't careful.

16th August 2012, 12:36 PM
Thanks very muich for your suggestions everyone - I clamped a straight edge on it then used the circular saw, and the finish was so neat it didn't need further work on it :wink:

I suppose it was a silly question really. Initially I was really coming at it the hard way, as usual !