View Full Version : Introducing myself.........

18th August 2012, 05:27 PM
Hello all, so glad to find this site. My name is Tammi Williams and I live in Mandurah Western Australia. Very new to woodworking, though I have dabbled a lot since a teen and have a darling Pa who made my fall in love with the smell of freshly cut timber from a very young age. I was always the grandaughter to be out back in the shed with him and not in the kitchen with the other girls cooking, ewww.

I have been working in miniature for the last 6mths and recently started to work in full size. Am loving designing and then creating my works.

A link to my mini site
CHD&Me Studio (http://www.chdmestudio.com)

Some pics of my full size projects, like I said very new to it all so nothing spectacular from me, but I am very much enjoying it.




20th August 2012, 10:11 AM
Hay Tammi,

We were all very new at some stage, I was impressed with your story about being out in the shed with you Pa. It's what I am hoping for when I get grandies as well.

Your work look very good, although, I cant quite figure out what pic 3 is.

Keep up the good work & keep posting.


20th August 2012, 11:01 AM
Welcome Tammi. Enjoying is the most important part. Look forward to seeing future projects.

20th August 2012, 11:26 AM
Welcome to the forum. Normally an introduction would be in this sub forum G'day mate - THE WELCOME WAGON -Introduce yourself - Woodwork Forums (http://www.woodworkforums.com/f175/) but no matter you are also talking about woodwork projects. :U

Continue to post and ask questions, feel free to also do a work in progress(WIP) if you so desire.

A Duke
20th August 2012, 12:00 PM
Hay Tammi,

We were all very new at some stage, I was impressed with your story about being out in the shed with you Pa. It's what I am hoping for when I get grandies as well.

Your work look very good, although, I cant quite figure out what pic 3 is.

Keep up the good work & keep posting.

My guess is a dog box for the husband and it's in the kitchen so he can still cook the dinner.:wink::roflmao:
Anyway Welcome Tammi and I have seen your posts in the welcome wagon and the rouges gallery. Regards

20th August 2012, 02:25 PM
Hello all and thank you for the welcomes, sorry posted in the wrong section this forum is rather large to find my way around.:U

The third pic is a birthing box/dog kennel for my little Shoodle who is due to give birth to 3 little ones in the next 2weeks. Very flash for a birthing box but she is the baby my hubby and I never had together (have 6 children between us though, I have 3 boys and he has 3 girls).

The box has a base too with a raised edge so that she can give birth in that and then the tops goes on for once they are born and settled. The base is also seperate for cleaning and has a vinyl lining for this purpose too. Not the prettiest design perhaps but I did do a lot of thinking on the design practicalities of this project. The top has a perspex window so as I can check on mum and pups while not disturbing them.

Well I am off now to the rogue gallery to show you the other things I do, quite a little all rounder. Painter, sketcher, sculpter and doll artist.

23rd August 2012, 07:29 PM
Welcome aboard Tammi!!:):):)

You are certainly quite accomplished, as ytour photos attest.:2tsup::2tsup::2tsup: