View Full Version : First serious project - question

20th August 2012, 10:29 AM
Hi guys,

I am in the middle of my first serious project and have a couple of questions that I am sure anyone with more experience than me will be able to answer. I am making a chess board/box and have just finished the board. I am pretty happy with the results thus far but have come across a couple of problems that I would like to remedy if possible:

- there are some minor gaps between a couple of squares. This is either a result of my inexperience with jointing edges or a mishap at glue up. Either way the gaps are there. My initial thought was to simply apply a filler. However, on closer inspection it appears the glue (PVA) has completely filled the gap. Perhaps I could scrape it out before using the filler. Any thoughts?
- the squares (5mm thick) are glued to a 6mm piece of MDF square for stability. Unfortunately the whole thing has bowed with the outer edges lifting up (a smile shape when the board is placed face up). Again, any assistance here would be appreciated.

For reference I am using nsw rosewood and anegre for the board. I will take a photo tonight and post it tomorrow.


20th August 2012, 11:29 AM
Did you make it from 64 individual squares or the more conventional way of making strips and cutting them up

20th August 2012, 12:56 PM
I made it the conventional way using strips. When I first put all the strips side by side they were pretty flush so I am thinking it was a glue up issue. I guess experience is the best teacher....

21st August 2012, 12:08 AM
Thought I would post some pics of the board to get people's opinions. The gaps are really not that noticeable unless you look closely so I might just leave well enough alone. What do you think.....



Next thing to do is make the mitre frame

21st August 2012, 11:17 AM
I am not one to tell you what to do but for me these look fine to leave as is.

You might consider to place a slither of wood into the gap with a bit of glue or as you said some saw dust with a bit of glue as a putty.

As this your first attempt at this do not stress too much just remember what you need to look for the next chess board.

Will be watching this work in progress. :2tsup:

One more thing take your time. Have fun in the build process as well as the finish item.

On second thoughts, leave it as is.

21st August 2012, 11:53 AM
Thanks Christos. The more I think about it the more I lean towards leaving it.

I am having tremandous fun with this project. I have done a few things with cheaper timber in the past but working with the rosewood is a whole differnt ball game. Given how expensive it is I am trying to take my time and be careful but sometimes you just want to launch right in.

Will keep you posted.

22nd August 2012, 03:04 AM
When you make something you will be the worst critic-harder on yourself than anybody else is with your own work. You will see errors that nobody else will notice and you will stress over small things that nobody else can see. I suppose that the good side to this is that it keeps us searching for improvements but unless we recognise what is going on we can beat ourselves up when we should be patting our own backs.

22nd August 2012, 09:08 AM
What the others have said - leave it. As Chook says, you will be your own worst critic ... until you want to put something into a gallery.:D
FWIW, it looks like the strip may have moved slightly when being cut, causing the slight gap. Just something to be careful of next time.

22nd August 2012, 12:23 PM
I also agree with the others - you're looking too closely.
Really, it looks very good, and it's a credit to you as your first major project. :2tsup:

Trying to patch it might make it more noticeable.

22nd August 2012, 01:46 PM
Thanks everyone for your feedback. It's great to get some advice from more experienced heads. I have resolved to leave it now and push on with the next part. :2tsup: I will post some more pics in a couple of weeks (three young kids doesn't leave a lot of time for the workshop). Cheers.