View Full Version : Triton letterbox (modified)

17th March 2005, 09:22 PM
I recently had a new timber floor put down and the guys who did it gave me quite a few left over floorboards to play with. I'm not sure of the timber but I think they said it was dante or something like that. It's a Qld hard wood, I know that much.

This is the Triton letterbox, from the Triton plans but it's been modified to fit A4 size letters and magazines.

Top is 3 boards joined together. It's finished in clear spray car clear finish lacquer so it should stand up to the elements OK. My wife thinks somebody will pinch it though. We'll just have to wait and see. :(

17th March 2005, 09:26 PM
Why isn't it orange?

17th March 2005, 09:26 PM
Hey, Gumby, looks great! Where did you get that fantastic idea on using clear spray lacquer for cars? :D

17th March 2005, 09:27 PM
Nice. Why dont you engrave or carve your address on it to deter thieves.


17th March 2005, 09:35 PM
I've got enuf orange. I had my new timber floor painted orange ! :D

DPB.................. :D

numbat.........good idea. maybe I'll even put a house number on it so if t get's stolen, I can narrow the field down to those who live in number 6 ! :)

17th March 2005, 10:50 PM
Pretty sure the timber is Danta. Amerind do flooring in it, but I was under the impression it was African. Makes a nice floor, though.

And a nice letterbox :).


18th March 2005, 08:54 AM
Pretty sure the timber is Danta. Amerind do flooring in it, but I was under the impression it was African. Makes a nice floor, though.

And a nice letterbox :).


Yeah, that's it. I know they do get some timbers from Africa but they are scarce and hard to get. Thanks for that. (I've got quite a bit left, not bad for free :D )

18th March 2005, 10:06 AM
Gumby, you only think it is free. If they turned up with a certain amount of boards, then that is what they expected to use, and what they costed in. However, that aside the letter box looks great! I wish that mine would take A4 size material. If you have not already put it in position, I suggest a metal post with the nuts on the inside. Cement it into the ground. This is from one who has had his letter box taken (not because it was a good crafted one), post and all.

18th March 2005, 11:38 AM
No Bob, it's free. The timber floor I had put down was Spotted Gum and I do have a bit of that left over too, whic I consider I paid for. The guys noticed I did woodworking and said they had some left over danta and jarrah boards in the factory that they couldn't use and were just taking up room. They brought them in the next morning. Somebody else had paid for them though. :D