View Full Version : The kayak finally produces

13th September 2012, 08:06 PM
Only noticed this forum section recently and thought it appropriate to show the product of my woodworking efforts used for fishing.

Started designing a kayak specifically for fishing a couple of years back and have been using it for about 18 months. It is a very slow hull so I can't go far but the stability is excellent and I have managed to avoid rolling even when coming in sideways in small surf. Because of safety concerns I took some time working up to going out on the sea for serious fishing efforts. Have had several sessions out there now but still pick the days very carefully.

Have caught small bream and salmon in the Onkaparinga river on various occasions but not even had a bite on the sea up until last weekend. Joined some other people from a kayaking forum and was out for about one and a half hours. Result was a snapper and a flathead - 2 of my favourite eating fish. The snapper is not large but it pulled hard enough to provide some excitement. Combined with the ideal conditions it was a perfect morning out.

After the first trip on the sea at Pt Noarlunga beach April last year:


In the Onkaparinga estuary a year ago:

Last Sunday:

13th September 2012, 11:29 PM
love the kayak and noice fishies