View Full Version : Alternative uses for an AC-DC converter?

16th September 2012, 07:59 PM
Many years ago I only had an AC stick welder and wanted to do some TIG welding. I picked up a CIG AC-DC box that took the output from my stick welder and gave me DC+ or DC- as I chose. It worked as well as any scratch start TIG unit does, combined with a big welder whose output didn't go below 30A. I did develop wonderful hand-eye coordination and skill at filling holes.

Fast forward 20 years and now I have an inverter MIG with DC stick output and a small 160A DCHF TIG unit. I really don't need the old box any longer and can't ever see using it again for welding.

Hence the question. What else is it good for? If its alternate uses are of no interest to me, which I consider likely, it's on its way out the door. I'm running out of floor space and have an excess of dust collectors now.


16th September 2012, 08:54 PM
It got to be a honking big diode bridge rectifier circuit: four big diodes bolted to two heatsinks.....what current rating is it?. It could be used in combination with the old stick welder for electrolytic de-rusting or anodizing aluminium for corrosion resistance, though you'd need to get a suitable single or three phase variable transformer to give zero to full power throttling. I have to get around to cobbling one up as I already built the TIG welding HF unit to convert a stick into an AC TIG complete with gas solenoid valve.

16th September 2012, 08:57 PM
You could try selling it maybe. I'm sure there would be someone out there interested in it. I'd be interested but it probably wouldn't be worthwhile posting.

I don't know of any other uses for it.

16th September 2012, 11:19 PM
It got to be a honking big diode bridge rectifier circuit: four big diodes bolted to two heatsinks.....what current rating is it?. It could be used in combination with the old stick welder for electrolytic de-rusting or anodizing aluminium for corrosion resistance, though you'd need to get a suitable single or three phase variable transformer to give zero to full power throttling. I have to get around to cobbling one up as I already built the TIG welding HF unit to convert a stick into an AC TIG complete with gas solenoid valve.

It's rated at 250A 60% duty cycle IIRC. As you say, basically a big bridge rectifier. I assume the welder puts out approx (very) 60 volts.

Got nothing that needs re-rusting (well, nothing I can be bothered doing) and I'm not interested in getting into aluminium anodizing so that's 2 potential uses that aren't useful for me, but thanks for the suggestions.

Selling it or trading it is on the cards. I want an anvil approx 50 kg in reasonable condition....