View Full Version : texturing tool

16th September 2012, 08:53 PM
hi:? im after a texturing or chattering tool for woodworking where is the best place to buy them??? thanks

dai sensei
16th September 2012, 09:48 PM
You can make one with an old hacksaw blade. Old kitchen butter knives, ground to a suitable shape, also work well

16th September 2012, 10:07 PM
Brendan Stemp has a great video on chattering which can be viewed here:

Brendan Stemp » Chattering (http://www.brendanstemp.com.au/go/wood-turning/chattering)

He uses butter knives and a few other things, also shows his technique :)

I use an old jigsaw blade (spring steel) in my multi tip hollowing tool:


Jim Carroll
16th September 2012, 11:03 PM
The 2 tools you are asking about are 2 different tools in what they do.

They both decorate but in different ways.

The chatter tools as it indicates chatters across the work, have a look here (http://www.cws.au.com/shop/item/robert-sorby-rs215kt-chattertool)

The texturing tool uses a spiralling style of cutter have a look here (http://www.cws.au.com/shop/item/robert-sorby-rs310h-texturing-tool)

Both are decorating tools and the the speed you use will give you different effects.

16th September 2012, 11:58 PM
Look at these video's from robert sorby
They will give you the idea as most manufacturers work on the same principle

17th September 2012, 08:55 PM
Terry Scott in New Zealand sells a texturing tool, the Timberly Textura. Unfortunately his web site does not have much information at the moment.

The Timberly Textura (http://www.timberlywoodturning.co.nz/categories/The--Timberly-Textura-/)
