View Full Version : Callistamon milled

21st September 2012, 06:29 PM
233656233657I started a post in the timber forum but I thought this would be a better place, i milled up what has been identified as a collistamon, very intersting timber, a little of everything in this log, darn heavy dense timber thought some of you might be interested to see.

21st September 2012, 08:03 PM
I milled one which was red, none of the black or white that you have there, maybe a different species??, based on how mine dried I would suggest slow drying down as much as possible, coat ends with a sealer, sticker with narrow sticks 16mm, restrict airflow thru stack, there's quite a few good threads with pics on here on drying and how best to do it so worth a search. The one I had moved and split a lot, I probably wouldn't bother with another???


21st September 2012, 08:11 PM
we'll see what happens, might be lots of pen blanks or fire wood, the black i'd say is spalting the rest of the timber is light pink and grey with black spalting

21st September 2012, 08:14 PM
Great outcome with the milling, interesting colour. It'll check quickly now it's cut.

22nd September 2012, 12:28 AM

Looks interesting, but I think one of the problems will be the log size. Without ever having milled a callistamon I would suggest that it is too small with too much associated growth spring. Time will tell if it starts to split itself apart. Good work trying though as if nobody does this we don't find out.


dai sensei
22nd September 2012, 09:32 PM
A bottlebrush with a black stained centre, wow looks amazing, especially the fiddleback sections.

How thick is it slabbed?

22nd September 2012, 09:53 PM
Hi Dai Sensei, the blackest pices are upto 3" the rest about 1 1/2"if your down this wzy drop in and ill donate a piece id love to see a fished article some day, not sure when ill get around to it?