View Full Version : Just started woodturning

21st September 2012, 09:24 PM
My current project is a Maloof style rocking chair. The front legs of this chair required some rough spindle turning as the final shape is carried out by hand. Not having a lathe I made the plunge and purchased a Woodfast midi lathe with an extension bed. I also acquired a starter set chisels. After an interesting start I got my two legs done. Given that I had made this investment I decided that I should learn how to use it to produce something that is more than just a rough out. I contacted Peter (Ozartisan) at Artists Retreat to set up a time for one of his one day introduction courses. I attended the course yesterday and walked away with the bowl shown below. Nothing earth shattering, but I am satisified with it as a first attempt. The course does not set out to produce a particular end product. After some white board work talking about turning it was up to me to decide the design. I ended up with a bowl that had a curve to it, a stand, a curve at the connection of the stand, and a rounded top edge. I felt that this design would give me a good introduction to turning. The timber is camphour, it was cut from a slab; so I had to make my first round. As someone who is new to turning I felt that the day meet my needs and was conducted in an informal manner.

No finish has been applied to the bowl here.

21st September 2012, 09:31 PM
Well done, great effort for your first bowl :2tsup:

21st September 2012, 09:49 PM
It is a good start, make a few more things but finish the rocker first. I have been told that turning can be additive.

So far for me not so bad. :biggrin2:

21st September 2012, 10:01 PM
Some really nice grain in that camphor bowl. My first bowls were camphor also, which is really nice to turn. Hope you enjoy your new purchase to make the furniture and also lots of other fun goodies :)

21st September 2012, 11:19 PM
For a first effort you have done very well, the bowl is well executed, and the grain is excellent.
Keep working at it , turning is addictive , so be ware.


Willy Nelson
22nd September 2012, 12:47 AM
I like the shape! Good job. Camphor Laurel is great to turn, great to learn on as it is quite forgiving. Certainly lets you know that it has an aroma!

22nd September 2012, 06:37 AM
NIce one Bob! If my first bowl had te finish that yours has I would have been really chuffed!! I have never turned camphor, the nearest to the wood was in Singapore for 2 1/2 years with the R.A.F. and from what I now know of turning it will certainly clear your head!!

Welcome to the very slippery slope of turning mate!

22nd September 2012, 08:21 AM
Thanks for the feedback. As I said to Peter, my concern is that I might get hooked and my main stream woodworking may end up playing second fiddle. :D

22nd September 2012, 09:49 AM
:wink:Was a pleasure to have you spend the day here at Artisans again Bob. (For those who don't know, Bob was one of the lucky few who got to spend a couple of days with Alan Williams here at Artisans - learning how to make the BEST bandsawn boxes on the planet!!)
I am looking forward to seeing that bowl with the oil finish on it - the colour should be spectacular.
Your chuck is waiting for you when you realise you have the "Bug" and need to put that woodfast through its paces :wink:

22nd September 2012, 09:52 AM
Really good for a first bowl.

ian thorn
22nd September 2012, 05:52 PM
wow that is nice for a first bowl keep up the turning:2tsup:

22nd September 2012, 06:47 PM
My current project is a Maloof style rocking chair. The front legs of this chair required some rough spindle turning as the final shape is carried out by hand. Not having a lathe I made the plunge and purchased a Woodfast midi lathe with an extension bed. I also acquired a starter set chisels. After an interesting start I got my two legs done. Given that I had made this investment I decided that I should learn how to use it to produce something that is more than just a rough out. I contacted Peter (Ozartisan) at Artists Retreat to set up a time for one of his one day introduction courses. I attended the course yesterday and walked away with the bowl shown below. Nothing earth shattering, but I am satisified with it as a first attempt. The course does not set out to produce a particular end product. After some white board work talking about turning it was up to me to decide the design. I ended up with a bowl that had a curve to it, a stand, a curve at the connection of the stand, and a rounded top edge. I felt that this design would give me a good introduction to turning. The timber is camphour, it was cut from a slab; so I had to make my first round. As someone who is new to turning I felt that the day meet my needs and was conducted in an informal manner.

No finish has been applied to the bowl here.

Artisans on The Hill I believe its called Bob name change. I am glad the people haven't. Great work on the bowl love Camphor and that colour is going to POP when its finished.

Christos you've got the bug just not the time LOL.

18th October 2012, 04:07 PM
Finally have found time to put up a couple of photos of the finished bowl. This retirement thing starves you of time - my kids don't believe it though. Well, the finish is two coats of danish oil with the final coat getting a buff. Then this was topped with Organoil Natural Wax and Polish. Thanks for looking.

18th October 2012, 07:36 PM
hi bob,
i was about to say when you put a finish on that you will really appreciate what you have !!!
and then i saw your last post, great job i can't remember that my first bowl was that good
well done:cool:
also there should be a warning on every new lathe..................

warning this can be addictive!!!
cheers smiife:2tsup:

18th October 2012, 07:54 PM
A++ for that result!
I get a great deal of satisfaction from the results of my students. Immense pride in particular when a first effort turns out this good!
Well done Bob.... hmmmmmmmmmmmmm now do I have any more of that coloured camphor???
See you back at Artisans soon

18th October 2012, 08:23 PM
Thanks Smiife - already looking forward to my next effort. Just have another project to finish first.

Was a great day Peter. Thanks for your assistance.

19th October 2012, 07:45 AM
Nice colour Bob.

19th October 2012, 07:56 AM
Thank you for the update.

19th October 2012, 09:32 AM
A++ for that result!
I get a great deal of satisfaction from the results of my students. Immense pride in particular when a first effort turns out this good!
Well done Bob.... hmmmmmmmmmmmmm now do I have any more of that coloured camphor???
See you back at Artisans soon
Up your way it should be coming out of your ears:D:D Not like us poor city dwellers that have to be "ambulance chasers " to the tree loping boys.
Loverly first bowl keep them coming
Bowl- Basher

19th October 2012, 09:55 AM

Beautiful bowl, nice design, great workmanship, doesn't hurt to have a good figure in the timber either.

You are well on the way down the garden path.

Cliff Rogers
19th October 2012, 10:18 AM