View Full Version : Now a member of The Sculptors Society

22nd September 2012, 10:53 PM
Recently Claw Hammer/ Mark held an exhibition in his local area of Newcastle/Box Hill.

I have just heard from Mark that he been accepted to exhibit at an up and coming exhibition in Sydney.

Hi Guys
Just found out I have made the cut into the Australia Square/ MLC centre exhibition 8th Oct - 2nd Nov
that’s a bit of fun J

Talk to you soon

The Sculptors Society (http://www.sculptorssociety.com/PageShow.aspx?CategoryId=1)

Congratulations Mark well done:2tsup::2tsup::2tsup:

23rd September 2012, 08:13 AM
Awesome, great news, Well done Mark. :2tsup:

Claw Hama
23rd September 2012, 09:10 AM
Thanks Ray, sjt
All my prevoius sculptures have either been sold at small galleries or buy commission, this is a far more public venu and feels
a lot different but pretty exciting. Ok back to the tools for me. I'll post some pics one the exhibition opens.

24th September 2012, 09:45 AM
Well done.

The plus side I have to be on my best behavour. :innocent:

As I always am. :o

Sawdust Maker
24th September 2012, 02:46 PM
Well done, Claw

Might just have to have a little looksee since it's in my neck of the woods

Claw Hama
25th September 2012, 11:17 AM
Thanks Guys, I'll do some WIPs in a week or two should be some interesting pieces to look at:D
I like the full time sculpture but still end up with other mundain things to do like make plinths :(

25th September 2012, 02:15 PM
Mark you could always make pens:q

or better still :snorkle:

Claw Hama
8th October 2012, 08:38 PM
Ok, photos of The Delian Diver, she is now in Australia Square foyer with another 20 or so sculptures from The
Sculpture Society. She is 2.5m high and weighs about 200ks, all Huon Pine with copper arms.
And this is her story
The Delian Diver</SPAN></SPAN>

This sculpture is a combination of 2 separate pieces of Huon Pine and copper arms. The larger piece of Huon was salvaged from the depths of the Gordon River in Tasmania and was caught in a severe bushfire while on the shore waiting for transportation. The Greek philosopher, Heraclitus, c500 BC, thought that all things came from fire and that you could never stand in the same river twice. Socrates, supposedly said, to understand Heraclitus, you have to be a Delian Diver to reach the depths of understanding.</SPAN>
“The Delian Diver” is a fitting name for this work as it has survived both water and fire and the timber could actually be 2500 years old and was possibly around in the time of Heraclitus.</SPAN>

They are all for sale.:;

Sawdust Maker
8th October 2012, 09:14 PM
I'll have a look on Wednesday

but will leave the cheque book safely at home :p

9th October 2012, 05:20 PM
I'll have a look on Wednesday

but will leave the cheque book safely at home :p

Good I'd hate to see you turn it into PENS:q

Sawdust Maker
10th October 2012, 11:00 PM
Funny Bvgger


That is one awe inspiring piece of work :2tsup:
not really something one could put on the mantlepiece, :o

I liked some of your competitors work as well (sorry) - the tractor looked pretty speccy

11th October 2012, 09:42 AM
Funny Bvgger


That is one awe inspiring piece of work :2tsup:
not really something one could put on the mantlepiece, :o

I liked some of your competitors work as well (sorry) - the tractor looked pretty speccy


11th October 2012, 10:26 AM
Well done Mark, and congratulations. I'll look forward to seeing more of your work when it goes on show up here.


Robson Valley
12th October 2012, 03:22 AM
Congratulations, CH. I like the work and the story that she illustrates.
The posture suggests to me that she's coming from the river.

12th October 2012, 06:59 AM
I like the work. Now I need to get a closer look.

Claw Hama
13th October 2012, 02:54 PM
Thanks guys, there is some great work by the other members, I love the bronzes, edging around to doing some as well.
The MLC centre has some nice ones too.
RV exactly right, I tried to give her a look of relief as she emerged from the water and fire.

Just starting another one for a sculpture prize in Victoria, Montalto Vineyard, $30k first prize is where I'm aiming:U have to build
it first and then get it accepted. I figure you have to keep slaming them at the hoop and eventualy one will go in:D

Robson Valley
13th October 2012, 03:18 PM
It's always reassuring to read that what I'm thinking is in the intent of the work.
She's beautiful as she is tied to the story..
In fact, there's an Alberta stone sculptor who works in black, volcanic basalt. 11/10 hard.
He's done some columns that would be a joy to see, such a color contrast, beside your work.
I hope that the Vic $30k gig comes off. What a challenge.

13th October 2012, 06:23 PM
$20k of new tools on the horizon and $10k for the party:D

Claw Hama
13th October 2012, 09:13 PM
Sounds good to me Ray:U You may have a bit of difficulty convincing Helen tough:D

14th October 2012, 08:12 AM
... You may have a bit of difficulty convincing Helen ...

Do not tell her you won. :nonono:

Claw Hama
14th October 2012, 09:39 AM
If Bai reads this you will be in trouble boyo, you sneaky devil:U

Sawdust Maker
14th October 2012, 03:18 PM
Have you got some in the MLC centre as well?

I also like a couple of the bronzes - I'm wondering whether the boss does as well :o

Claw Hama
14th October 2012, 08:44 PM
Hi Nick
I don't personaly have any at MLC but the society does and some are very nice.:2tsup: