View Full Version : Truckloads of Timber - QLD Maple etc...

Michael Whip
28th March 2005, 01:59 AM

I have recently taken delivery of a few semi-trailer loads of timber. Specifically Queensland Maple, Red Carabeen and Queensland Walnut cut into 60mm thick slabs and are at present still wet. I am looking into using dehumidifiers to dry them. I am wondering if there might be anyone here that might be able to advise me as to where I can get information on them and their effectiveness.

Basically I can continue purchasing this timber by the truckload and am considering doing so as a business venture. That is of course if I can sell it. Any info or advice would be really greatly appreciated. And if you want to buy some gorgeous Qld Maple, Red Carabeen and Qld Walnut slabs I'd appreciate that too ;)

Kindest regards

28th March 2005, 11:00 AM
G'day Michael,

Where abouts in S.E. QLD are you?
A couple of photos of what you have on offer might help.
Have you considered taking some slabs to the Working With Wood show in Brissy in May?

Michael Whip
28th March 2005, 11:45 AM
Hi Dan,

Thanks for your reply and here some pics :)

Queensland Maple 3.3m x 650mm x 60mm Slab. Outer.

Queensland Maple 3.3m x 600mm x 60mm slab. Inner.

Red Carabeen 2.1m x 600mm x 60mm slab. Inner

Queensland Walnut 2.7m x 500mm x 50mm. Inner.

Most of the timber we have at the moment is Qld Maple. It seems to be of excellent quality so far too. Red Carabeen, Qld Walnut and Northern Brush Mahogony are in fairly limited supply. I have no pics of the Mahogony at present.

Right now we're looking at making this into a family business. We're based outside of Ipswich near Hattonvale. We have a great contact up near Cairns who has a number of large properties ripe with vegetation. The only drawback is that the timber is wet and obviously it is not only worth more, but available to a larger market, if the timber is seasoned. Hence the question regarding dehumidifiers.

I have a CD of images complete with sizes for each slab that I can burn off and send to anyone who might be interested in seeing more too.

Kindest regards

PS: Depending on time constraints we might be present at the Working With Wood show in Brisbane Dan. Thanks for asking :)

28th March 2005, 02:18 PM

I have recently taken delivery of a few semi-trailer loads of timber. Specifically Queensland Maple, Red Carabeen and Queensland Walnut cut into 60mm thick slabs and are at present still wet. I am looking into using dehumidifiers to dry them. I am wondering if there might be anyone here that might be able to advise me as to where I can get information on them and their effectiveness.

Basically I can continue purchasing this timber by the truckload and am considering doing so as a business venture. That is of course if I can sell it. Any info or advice would be really greatly appreciated. And if you want to buy some gorgeous Qld Maple, Red Carabeen and Qld Walnut slabs I'd appreciate that too ;)

Kindest regards
Try DPI Forestry
Evans Rd

They had/have a solar kiln & you can rent space in that

28th March 2005, 07:26 PM
the picks dont show buddy but i am interested ina few slabs of Qld maple and maybe some walnut..

as above the DPI kiln will help u, also there is various info about dehumidifiers and drying procedures on the gov web sites..

drop me yr contact details via PM and i will take aslab or 3 off yr hands...


Michael Whip
28th March 2005, 10:13 PM
Thanks for the info MajorPanic and John. Looks like I came to the right place.


28th March 2005, 11:19 PM
Do a search on solar kilns.
I had Ideas of building one at one stage.
There is quite a bit out there on them & they are cheap to run.

28th March 2005, 11:26 PM
G'day Mick Whip,

Now thats a cracker - OK I'm not long on humour :o

Walnut, mahogony, carabeen - such sweet words - I'm in love already. :confused:

Send me an email, URL - whatever it takes and I'll have a real hard look. There's a few of us down here that would love the opportunity to get hold of quality timber, unseasoned or otherwise. ;)

Think you might be on a winner with your business idea too ;)


Michael Whip
29th March 2005, 11:31 AM
For some reason the images I posted up above are not coming down for some people, or all people. It works for me though :confused: If you would like a look you might have to click on each link below:

Qld Maple example 1

Qld Maple example 2

Red Carabeen

Qld Walnut


29th March 2005, 11:39 AM
Don't you just love computers and the internet :p

You don't have permission to access the page at http://ic1.deviantart.com/fs6/i/2005/086/7/7/Qld_Walnut_Example_by_michael_whip.jpg. Please consult our help library if you need any assistance.

If you want to email me the photos I can put them up for you?

29th March 2005, 12:49 PM
Hi Michael,

I'm definitely interested in the wood and pictures too.


29th March 2005, 05:08 PM
To post your pictures to this board - make sure the size of each picture is under 100 kB - so you cannot post a picture directly from a digital camera - you must reduce it in size first.


29th March 2005, 07:57 PM
Posting on behalf of Michael...

Michael Whip
29th March 2005, 08:40 PM
Cheers for doing that for me Dean :)

29th March 2005, 10:45 PM
No problem. Looks so good you could almost eat it.
Although the Walnut might taste a bit nutty ;)

30th March 2005, 03:09 PM

How about some prices.


Michael Whip
30th March 2005, 06:53 PM
At the moment between $250 - $350 depending on the slab. Type, size and condition etc... Keep in mind it is unseasoned timber at present.

If you would like a CD with images of each individual slab from a selection of our timber please feel free to PM me your address.


John Elliott
30th March 2005, 11:29 PM
By my conservative calculation that's $5000/cube!
The timber looks great and I don't want to deflate the family business, but to the best of my knowledge/experience any mill in NQ will supply you with the same for less than $2000/cube + transport. Deal direct with a local timber cutter and Queensland Maple will cost around $1000/cube, and will be cut to order.
Maybe everyone in the south has more money?

John Elliott.

31st March 2005, 04:25 PM
I'm no expert on working out cubes but I think your maths is cactus. I worked out to $1940 a cube for $250 and $2700ish for $350. I may be (probably) wrong.


31st March 2005, 05:23 PM
I'm no expert on working out cubes but I think your maths is cactus. I worked out to $1940 a cube for $250 and $2700ish for $350. I may be (probably) wrong.

Here is a great formula to work it out (see third post down). Courtesy of DavidG


Michael Whip
1st April 2005, 11:03 PM
Hi John Elliot,

$5000 per cubic meter? You sure all your buttons are working on your calculator? ;) The pricing is actually between $2700 and $2800 per cube. I think that that is a good price considering it costs a fair bit to transport it down here, unload it and store it. Not to mention we're selling by the slab at present, not per cube.

1 slab = 3.3m x 65cm x 60mm = .1287 cubic meters
thats 7.77 slabs per cubic meter.

7.77 x $350 = $2719

Cheers for backing us up Dan and thanks for the info MajorPanic! :)


John Elliott
3rd April 2005, 06:21 PM
Michael Whip,

Nothing wrong with my buttons or even my cactus! The confusion arises because I only memorised the last measurements in your list as I scrolled throught the thread. Hence:
Queensland Walnut, 2.7 x 50cm x 50mm = 2.7 x 0.5 x 0.05 = 0.0675
1 divided by 0.0675 x $350 = $5185
That is still a lot of money for wet timber.
I admit I did not check the other measurements before I posted my original message and they are of course much more reasonable, but still very expensive.

You will be acqainted with the idea that while shopping in your local supermarket for bananas, for instance, at $3.50/kilo, the farmer is struggling to get 35c/kilo. In my experience the same is true in the timber industry. Timber getters are regularly offered derisory amounts around $300/cube whilst the high profile retailers gush about "selective forestry practices" "unique world heritage timbers" etc etc... and inflate the price accordingly.

I am not suggesting that you operate like this at all and I fully understand the requirement to make a profit, just expressing a point of view.
Good luck with the business.

John Elliott.

George Barney
2nd January 2008, 06:23 PM
Hello Michael
I have some information in relation to timber drying that may help you. My father in law has a book printed by F.I.T.E.C that contains technical information about the subject. You can contact them at:
PO BOX 6041
Phone:(07) 3391 7788 Fax: (07) 3391 8511
[email protected]
I hope this helps you. I am also interested in collecting QLD Maple and Walnutfor future use so I will contact you soon. My email address is [email protected] Phone:(07) 41256133 feel free to contact me any time.

2nd September 2016, 09:35 PM
Could I ask what sort of prices you want for the maple?

dai sensei
2nd September 2016, 10:45 PM
Could I ask what sort of prices you want for the maple?

This thread was 11 years ago

Phil Elliott
14th September 2016, 01:47 PM
The pics worked for me OK. Beautiful timber!

Phil Elliott
14th September 2016, 01:48 PM
This thread was 11 years ago

So it should be seasoned by now then :D