View Full Version : Nesting Boxes School Project

24th October 2012, 11:30 PM
Hi all during the last school holidays my eldest Grandsons school had a project to build nesting boxes.
Apparently the council had been cutting trees down near the school and it was decided to help nature out by supplying some temporary lodgings for the fauna in the area.
With my supervision my number one man made the nesting box.
I was going to put them in the box building section of the forum but after some thought decided it could have upset some of the box builders in so much as there efforts are a lot more refined as far as boxes go and it’s not really a toy or model which is where I generally hang out……So anyway I have put it here.

PS number two man was also involved but lost interest after a couple of minutes 4 yrs old as against 6yrs old
PPS Been away in the van for a couple of weeks so this little project is a couple of week old now

Colbra :)

25th October 2012, 08:09 AM
Sure doesn't upset this box maker. It's a great start for a young feller. Looking forward to seeing more work from him. It's a good project for a new starter, not too hard, but practice in lots of basic skills.

Rod Gilbert
25th October 2012, 08:29 AM
Great to see the young fellow have a go as Alex said a good project for him to start with and especially with the outcome for the fauna.
Regards Rod.:2tsup:

25th October 2012, 10:08 AM
Nice work, Col. The birds'll be happy. :2tsup:

Good to see you've taken on an apprentice, too.

I agree with Alex - they are boxes, after all.

25th October 2012, 12:33 PM
Its a box Col and deserves to be in the box section as well as in here. Good to see the little blokes taking an interest even if its just a 5 min one thats 5 min you spent together and he'll recall some time later on.

25th October 2012, 10:49 PM
Well done on getting the younger generation involved.

Robson Valley
26th October 2012, 02:40 PM
Congratulations on the project.
It is truly a sad day when it becomes necessary to compensate for
human activity.
But, every nest box that you make and put up helps no end to the survivorship of birds.
I have been a volunteer committee member for Ducks Unlimited (McBride) for some years.
Any and all nest boxes have a track record of being appreciated by those who need them.

Just out of curiosity, which species of your birds do you hope to attract?
I saw a lot of them in the 4 years that I lived in OZ.

26th October 2012, 05:01 PM
We live in a rural subdivision, in a narrow valley. The tarred road goes through the middle to more "pioneers" further up and on to bigger blocks. When we first moved here there were tall Eucs scattered about before the heavier scrub/timber covering the steeper country of the valley sides. We planted a heap of trees and shrubs to soften the look of the place and also to attract the birds.

My wife suggested that I should make some nesting boxes for the birds (mainly parrots) to use. I told her it would be years before they would even look into let alone nest in them. Through her powers of suggestion (nagging) I made about 5 out of CD ply 12mm thick. You know those birds took up residence vertually as soon as I took the ladder away from installing them. As soon as the first lot raised and fledged their kids there was another couple moving in. I should have been charging rent.

I was so surprised just how quick the birds used them. Its been some years now so I really need to make another heap and replace the originals that are showing signs of decay. I have got some radiata rippings that came as firewood. I will use them for the structure.

Bird boxes are a worthwhile project for anyone. The birds think so too

26th October 2012, 05:59 PM
That is just so good on all the right levels!! Great to see!!:2tsup::2tsup::2tsup::2tsup:

27th October 2012, 12:00 AM
Thanks everyone for you reply’s and acknowledgement of the fact you liked the post
I am sure that it would have been ok to put the bird box in the box section of the forum that was just my humour again.
It was nice of AlexS to have made comment on the fact that it would have been accepted in that area I have just had a look at Alex website he is very talented man and it is people of his skill level that motivate me to go a little further with my projects as slow as they may be.
Thanks to Rod and Humphrey999 for your acknowledgements
Ray thanks again for your hospitality a couple of weeks ago remember us to Sue.
Pat had a great time at the Rural Women’s Gathering at Parkes I spent the time at the Men’s Shed before going onto Melbourne.
Christos I am please you liked my post it is that younger generation that I am getting involved that will be steering me around the WW Show in twenty years’ time….I hope
Robson Valley the boxes as per paper work from the school are for small native fauna glider possums etc but I am sure small birds will take up residence as well, probably first in best dressed so to speak.
I am not sure what is about up there may be small birds we call bellbirds if you were driving past and heard there song you would get out of your car and look for a squeak in the car because that’s what they sound like, there are other small finches as well some only one inch long you can hear them but very rarely see them because of their size and the thick bush.
Chambezio thanks for your story on the bird boxes I am glad to hear how quick the birds took up residence.
I go past your area a couple of times a year on the way to Glen Innes that is where my wife comes from might see you there some time.
Artme thank you also I am pleased you liked my post my Daughter will show this post to the little bloke tomorrow and explain how the forum works and what a great bunch of people hang out here……I think so any how Col :)

27th October 2012, 06:58 AM
If anyone is interested go here Welcome to Birds in Backyards | BIRDS in BACKYARDS (http://www.birdsinbackyards.net/) they have bird box plans for different type of birds.


27th October 2012, 08:39 AM
Hi Harold thank you for that information I am also a member of that forum group and if you go to the forum section you will see my posts on birds in my back yard even as I write this post they are looking in the window at me.
You will see the same pictures there that I put up here and there are other as well showing some of the birds that hang out at my place.
I did know that they were going to put some plans up for some boxes but have not looked as yet.
Do you contribute to that forum it’s a great sight may be some other wood work forum member may be interested in using the plans and building the nesting boxes and even joining that forum group.

27th October 2012, 10:59 AM
Hi colbra, I usually only do the surveys and yes it is a great site. When we moved in here there wasn't a tree in sight, have planted about 250 of different types of food trees for the birds . There were only magpies and pied butcher birds here when we moved in, now have about 20 different species here. I have built a few nest boxes for the pale headed Rosella.

