View Full Version : Carba-Tec or Hare and Forbes Lathes

3rd April 2005, 03:59 PM
I have read a few postings where people commend the MC900 as a lathe and for me it fits well except all my gear has 1 inch by 10tpi connection and the Hafco lathes have that sized spindle whereas Carba-Tec has M30 spindles. With the Hafco being some $30 cheaper I am strongly turned to buying WL-18(W382) which is identical to the MC900. Can anyone advise me on the reliability of HAFCO products

3rd April 2005, 04:18 PM
Hi Hooppine, welcome to the forum.

Did you migrate to Brissie from the Piliga scrub?

(k, pretty wet, but it is Sunday arvo).

This doesn't really answer your question, but ...

You say 'all your gear' ... if that only includes chucks then you can of course just change the chuck insert. Faceplates ... yeah, different matter.

There is a fact a good deal of variation in the little Taiwanese (or Chinese) lathes. No-one manufactures the whole thing. Over there they just assemble them from parts they source and over here they put their own badges on them. You get variation in motor quality, bearings, belts etc.

The advantage of Carba-Tec is that they back their stuff. The advantage of 30 x 3.5 is that there's a lot of stuff around in that size (being the standard local size for Vicmarc lathes).

3rd April 2005, 05:05 PM
Thanks Ern With threaded faceplates costing $35 and inserts $26 for a part timer and Johhnies pension money is tight so $ss are important.

Have to go now to water my vegie patch and pick a few strawberries for dinner. Weather is nice here.

Ps Hare and Forbes also back their stuff and they are just down the road

3rd April 2005, 06:35 PM
Ah, yes, well in that case... :)

(Spent a few years in Sherwood as a kid, not far from the river; yep, great weather and relaxed pace).

3rd April 2005, 06:44 PM
The MC900 from Carbatec comes with a face plate, so if it's just a couple of chucks squeeze Carbatec for the adapters - explain to them your issue of existing gear and see if they'll clinch the deal with a couple of chuck adapters.


4th April 2005, 01:10 PM
thanks paul but my chucks are novas and carba-tec only carry the vic-marc and the threade face plate is threaded not an insert

4th April 2005, 02:57 PM
The MC900 comes with a face plate, so while you won't be able to use yours you'll get one you can use and the inserts would be universal among the chucks.

Jim Carroll
4th April 2005, 07:27 PM
Hoopine the Nova and Bonham use the same insert.

7th April 2005, 11:15 PM
Hi Hooppine

I've been using a H&F WL18 for about 2 1/2 years now, with a Vicmark VL100 chuck. The other difference between the WL18 and the MC900 is that the WL18 has a motor rated at 750 watt where the MC900 from Carbatec is 550. On the other hand the Carbatec is fully enclosed, I think, while the H&F motor is fan ventilated - blows the dust through.

In the time I've had it I have had to dismantle and free up the speed change mechanism and I've replaced the drive belt once. Otherwise no dramas.

There's one other difference I just remembered - the Carbatec is blue all over, while mine has pretty cream legs. But if you'd prefer orange, look up the Timbecon catalogue, while if it's white for you, buy a Jet - far as I can tell they're all basically the same.



13th April 2005, 02:24 PM
Thanks Colin for your reply. I note your quip regards the o so nearly the same but just a little different Sherwood, Hare and Forbes and Carba Tec lathes. Colour is not a big part of my worries but reliability is so thanks for your remarks detailing your experience. Was in Sydney last week and priced the same sized Jet and was told $880 so it is out of my range.
Thanks again

Keith H
25th April 2005, 02:04 AM
G'day Larry
I suggest you put the word on h&f to try the lathe before you buy, you might be dissappointed in the long term. My club has one and most members do not think much of it.