View Full Version : That crotch again

9th November 2012, 02:58 AM
After my vase, I made a round(ish) hollow form, so this one branch has been quite productive - third pic shows all three pieces. I need quite a bit of stuff made as there is one of the big annual craft fairs in a couple of weeks and I'm pleased to say, I'm a bit short of stock as those nice people at the gallery have been selling loads.


9th November 2012, 06:53 AM
I really like the round one. I'm partial to crotch figure, often crotches are left behind by folks who split and burn wood. I'm most happy to take them home and turn things.

9th November 2012, 08:49 AM
Yep the round one is the winner in my book :2tsup:. But they are all good, great colour, shape and form.

9th November 2012, 01:22 PM
All good but the round one really impresses in every respect.:2tsup::2tsup::2tsup:

10th November 2012, 03:15 AM
Thanks for your comments guys.

I tuned what I thought was another one today but I'm cracking up as it was cherry!! I'd put a yew finial on it and blow me down, it sold before I looked at the pic so I can't change it now.

Don't suppose the buyer will notice.


10th November 2012, 08:01 AM
Lovely stuff Gus. Mind you, the title to the thread has me scratching every time.:D

Sawdust Maker
10th November 2012, 09:20 AM
Nice work !

10th November 2012, 10:15 AM
Nicely done. I agree that the round one is the winner but all are well done.

Do you do anything to stop splitting from the pith once turned or is this not such an issue with yew? I saw on your other thread that you mentioned radial splits from the pith and can see some in the photos here too but perhaps once seasoned and turned it won't split anymore?

I have been turning Tassie blackwood lately and it doesn't seem to matter whether green or dry, it will split very easily if the pith is left in.


10th November 2012, 07:50 PM
lovely stuff gus. Mind you, the title to the thread has me scratching every time.:d


10th November 2012, 07:51 PM
Nice work !

Thank you

10th November 2012, 07:58 PM
Nicely done. I agree that the round one is the winner but all are well done.

Do you do anything to stop splitting from the pith once turned or is this not such an issue with yew? I saw on your other thread that you mentioned radial splits from the pith and can see some in the photos here too but perhaps once seasoned and turned it won't split anymore?

I have been turning Tassie blackwood lately and it doesn't seem to matter whether green or dry, it will split very easily if the pith is left in.


I think the general rule seems to be to leave the pith out. I keep breaking the damn rules all the time it seems.

The yew is quite prone to it but once turned, it doesn't seem to split open too much. In a few cases, the pith separates completely, a bit annoying when you turn along the grain and end up with two pieces. The small hollow for of the three is literally held together with CA, the whole of the mouth was flopping about.

I tend to run CA into any obvious cracks just in case. I am not too concerned about this sort of stuff anyway, I know many people want to see as near perfection as possible but the odd crack or hole just makes it seem like wood not plastic - or so it seems to me.

10th November 2012, 08:51 PM
It is good to see stuff that you made appreciated by others. As it seems that these are being sold quite quickly then even better. :2tsup:

Really is some stunning pieces.

10th November 2012, 10:34 PM
It is good to see stuff that you made appreciated by others. As it seems that these are being sold quite quickly then even better. :2tsup:

Really is some stunning pieces.

Thanks Christos,

Means I can afford some Christmas pud AND cake this year:bcake: